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Everything posted by inkdemon

  1. Corey is I believe 12 and I have no idea when he started talking. Since I adopted him only a few months ago. But he has quite a vocabulary,as well as arsenal of laser sounds. He was listening to the rain the other night hit the ac outside and started clicking . Wich I gues is what he was hearing at the time. He picks things up rather quickly.
  2. Best of luck with Edgar! You're in a great place for info and great people!
  3. Sounds like he is doing well and adjusting. Hope your progress continues quickly. And I'll have to try the towel trick with my Corey. Thanks for the tip
  4. A real cutie. You can always name her farina. I believe that was the lil black girls name in the lil rascals.
  5. You Tube is a great site. You'd be surprised at the things you will find there. THanks for the links. THey'll be very helpful.
  6. Great advice from the others. Just give it time and let your grey get to know you. This forum is a fountain of experience and great advice. And good luck with your progress.
  7. Sorry to hear of your loss. And wish there was a way to make it pass easier.
  8. congrats and best of luck with your baby!
  9. THanks. He's opening up more today. Actually came out and walked the cage top to bottom and towards the bottom. Yesterday was only one corner when out. He enjoyed some corn on the cob and broccoli this afternoon. I'm actually happy and suprised how quickly he's giving me some trust.
  10. Ok, after being home for a day and a half, I had him out of the cage,and on my shoulder. Still unsure and skittish at times.THe previous owners said he really hasn't been out much in the past year. But seems to be giving me more trust each time. Tried giving him Apple,and well he doesn't like them. Shook his head,was quite funny watching. Later we'll try mango. <br><br>Post edited by: inkdemon, at: 2007/09/28 15:08
  11. THank you all for the warm welcome. I do realize this is a life commitment. THe first TOO I gave to a loving home because of circumstance. My other wich still live with my boys and wife was left behind only because Zoey bonded to her in the split-up and really doesn't want me near her. Maybe she senses? Who knows. But was not my intention to leave her. But I did seeing she was happy and still amongst the family she is used to. But I do understand the point and agree. THanks once again. Corey will be picked up in just over 24 hours. And I cant wait!! THanks again one and all!!
  12. My name is Leon and I am about to adopt a congo grey within 48 hours. I went and met Corey earlier today at his home. He is leary and shy wich I assume is normal,as this would be my first grey. I have had 2 cockatoos in the past. One who lives with my ex,the other who lives with my best friend( I was moving and was told no pets). Corey has nibbled on my fingers 3 times,and otherwise was warming up to me with an occasional word or two,and allowing me to pet him. I had him up on my fingers as well. So I honestly believe with a lil time and patience he will accept me and the family as his own. I will be reading through posts and ask an occasional question,so I say thanks for any and all help before hand. I will post some pics soon enough as well. Wish me luck.
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