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  1. Hi! Do not worry too much about it...let me tell you a story....When I was rehoming my second CAG(buying from his second owner),guy told me "dont worry he eats everiting and his favorite is chocolate"....when I heard that I didnt respond but I make up my mind of buying and saving that bird....my point is:If this bird is alive after eating 7 years of chocolate than you dont have to worry that much;)
  2. I agree with a fly theory..but mine both CAG-s doing that when they want something (food or something that I have{Emotions-000200BE}
  3. check in a Health store or food suplement store dan
  4. hi Dan Aloe natural juice,I pass it through coffe(any fine filter will do) filter so litlle peaces doesn't plug a mister....
  5. That is almost that you ask if azijan people is more intelligent than white or indijan...is not up to race(spicies)is up to individual...they have same capability...that is mine opinion;)
  6. Yes...1/3 aloa plus 2/3 water in a mister....once I'm going to show you a pic of featherles Rocky... naked except his (actualy hers)head:S
  7. I did have similar problem with mine cag...and aloa make big diference for my bird
  8. ups...one more time:S this is Rocky <br><br>Post edited by: milo, at: 2007/09/20 21:01
  9. let me try to post pic...I'm new with this
  10. my Rocky pluck himself two years ago and his reson was calcium deficiency...and thank God with right diet she is like new........for now:cheer:
  11. Rocky (CAG) is 8 yr old -with me since he was 8 month old Jakobino(CAG) is 14 yr old -with me past 1 year and 6 months
  12. Monique...Ididn't, that one I adopt last year...so I beleve his first ovner was Italian ,cose Jakobino sound Italian to me;)
  13. :cheer: hi everyone im new in here ,I have two CAG-s Rocky(8yo)and Jakobino (13yo)Rocky is with me sence he was 8 month old and Jako past year and half....Rocky come with me from USA since I lived there for a while and Jakobino I adopt in Croatia....I love your forum,,,in this thing you can always find someting interesting and lern something new:woohoo:
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