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Thank you kindly!
hi there, I have been looking on various websites regarding bird safe house plants. I was wondering if a ficus benjamina, ie, ficus bush, is safe to put in the bird room. Thanx, Cindy
Wow!! I just think that he is looking for attention......It is obvious that he has no clue on what he is doing, I feel sorry for that poor little Grey under his "care".
Such wonderful stories of Marcus......... My Riley has a very prolific vocabulary, and has many words that seem long. One of has favorite phrases is... I have big dinosaur feet!
WOW, that is a great vid........Very good looking birds...
Riley has a lamp close to his cage and at times he can reach it. As of now, we are on our 3rd lamp shade. I have one I put out when we have guests over. RIley will climb down on the side of his cage and yell "No, that's naughty" and proceed to take a chunk out of the lampshade...Then he scurries up to the top of his cage and says " Naughty bird" and laugh!!!!! It's hard not to laugh, but I try to appear a little miffed,. I will say to him " Riley Jo, what am I going to do with you?" ...His response is "Gimme kiss":kiss: God, I love that little ball of Fluff more than life itself. PS... Thanx to Riley I now have to look for new carpet. He has chewed 5 huge holes in it. I have rearranged that furniture and bought throw rugs to cover them up!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2008/03/05 08:23
Is the FIRST PIC a Lilac Crowned Amazon?
I made this new climbing net for my Goober over the weekend, HE LOVES IT!!! Here are a few pics, Hope you like the Idea.They charge over 100 bucks for these on the web!!! I went to hobby lobby and bought a 900 foot ball of Sisal Rope ( $10.00) and braided it. Time consuming , but ALOT cheaper than to buy one. I am going to make him another one, and double braid it (6 strands) this time. It wont be as easy for Riley to chew. lol For the frame, I used an EL CHEAPO clothes rack from Target, $9.00. It is on wheels, so I can take it where ever I go. I used Zip Ties to attach it to the Frame, and I bought a Dowel for the top of it, also attached with Zip Ties. To keep him from slipping on the top dowel , I wrapped some adhesive tape to it. Hope this helps!!!!! Thanx, Cindy<br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2008/03/03 19:52
Here are a few pics I thought that I wouls share with you all.... Its Riley's new Hangout!!! I can not get him off of it. He loves it!!!! Thanx, Cindy
A sister's tribute to her Brother, The Marine
cinlnk replied to cinlnk's topic in Off-Topic Discussions
Adam is due back in the states in June. Hopefully sooner. But the Marines are famous for changing your plans. Him and his girlfriend, Ashley are talking about getting married when he comes home. I love Ashley dearly, but I and her mom are trying to talk them into waiting a few years. They are both 20 yrs old, IMO, way too young for such a serious decision. Here is a pic of my marine, Adam and one of my future Daughter in law, Ashley My daughter,Jennifer and son, Adam ANd last but not least, My Goober Do, Riley Mr Major Attitude; Hope you all enjoy the pics. Thanks, Cindy -
A sister's tribute to her Brother, The Marine
cinlnk replied to cinlnk's topic in Off-Topic Discussions
Hello all, Just a qwik note to tell you all that my son is still in Iraq and doing OK. He is VERY HOMESICK, and MY GOODN ESS I miss him sssooo much. We keep in touch via email or my space. He is in a fairly safe place, from what little he can tell me. I am counting the days that he will be back on US Soil. Thanks, A VPMM.... Cindy...VPMM= Very Proud Marine Mom -
I call it ..." Going into MOOCH MODE" They want attention, food.... Riley will put on his "Cute Face" and start.flapping .... He knows that he is irresistable and has his Mama wrapped around his little foot.:evil:
All I can say here is ..... Every little bit of support add to a HUGE SUM of what our Troops need. And Cursing Llama? If you were here I would give you the biggest hug ever!!! I always get a little sentimental when I see a Marine.....or even a Soldier. But I guess I am a little prejudiced.<br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2007/10/19 18:47
A sister's tribute to her Brother, The Marine
cinlnk replied to cinlnk's topic in Off-Topic Discussions
All I can say is WOW!!!!! Thank you for all the WONDERFUL responses!! I knew this story would touch you all as it did me. Now, if I can get my daughter to channel this wonderful natural talent.... Adam left yesterday.....I tracked his entire flight acrossed the US.... Now, it is a waiting game. Hope I hear from him soon..... C'MON.... MOTOMAIL!!!!!! -
Hi all, Just thought I would post a blog that my daughter wrote to her brother, who is deploying to Iraq in a matter of hours. Semper Fi, Adam.... Current mood: thoughtful Category: Life The day that I have been dreading is soon approaching. October 14, 2007 will register as one of the Worst Days Of My Life. That's the day that my little brother, my best friend, my hero, will board a plane and land in Iraq. He will be gone for about eight months, and will return to the US in June 2008. He is doing his job, fulfilling the oath he took in July of 2006, "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, forgien and domestic; that I will bear true faith and alleigance to the same; that I will obey the Orders of the President of the United States and the orders of my officers appointed above me, according to the regulations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." So, I guess this is where I get all cheesy and sentimental. This is where I get all teary-eyed for you. Adam is my best friend. I could not survive without him. He has been my rock for as long as I can remember, and I hope that I have done the same for him. Growing up, we went through a teenager's form of hell. Our parents got divorced when I was 19 and he was 14. Very tough and touchy times for anybody that age. But, we were the lucky ones. It wasn't a bitter divorce, nor was it messy. Our parents remain pretty close still today. That being said, it brought Adam and I closer, however, not until he was about 18 or 19, and I was approaching 24...25. We're best friends, and I can always count on him to be there for anything. Whether it be something major, or something petty. He's my best friend, and I hope I am that to him. I went through HELL while he was in MCRD for boot camp. I had no contact with him!! I remember he called home once, he was rewarded a 20 minute phone call home....and he called me. It was the first time I'd heard his voice in about three months...I bawled my eyes out after he had to get off the phone. I remember flying to California for his graduation. A friend of mine, who had been in the Marines also, sent me a text message that I recieved just as the plane touched down, it said, "remember those who came before your brother and I. Remember the traditions and the honor. Say a thank-you." I had tears everywhere when I was getting off of the plane. I remember sneaking to the Parade Deck the day before his EGA ceremony. Watching them practice. I picked him out of his platoon, and he heard me trying to get his attention. I knew very well he couldn't break his stance, but I could see how red his face was turning because I was EMBARASSING HIM in front of his platoon and his DI's. I remember the next day, my family and I walked to the Parade Deck, and hearing the band begin to play. I remember seeing all of the platoons march out. I remember counting the rows of Plt 3047, to look for the seventh row, last guy in the line....THAT was MY brother. I remember the speech that was given. How they would transform from Recruit to Marine by one single action. I remember watching all of the pomp and circumstance as these men were being presented with their EGA pins that they would proudly display on their covers. I remember watching my brother. He was looking directly at his Drill Instructor. He shook his hand, and was given his EGA pin. He took his cover off and pinned the EGA to it, he was so proud, as were our parents. I looked at him, and he had tears streaming down his face. That was HIS defining moment. That's where HE BECAME a Marine, a Man, a defender of YOUR Freedom. I remember that it was announced that the band was going to play the Marine Corps Hymn for THEM, because they had now, finally, earned that Title of Marine, and NOBODY could take that away from them. All of the men stood at POA, and saluted the colors as they all fought back tears while that hymn was playing. Most of them didn't hide the fact that they were crying. They had been through Hell, and they had for DAMNED sure EARNED their titles. The next day was graduation. They marched out onto the parade deck, standing taller than ever, because THEY were MARINES. They executed their movements with such precision and perfection. They had been working on this for weeks, and their hard work showed. It was haunting....dead silence, then you'd hear the haunting cadence calls of the DI's. You would hear one DI call out the orders, and you would hear the marching. The tight and taut marching of 300 men, sounding like one. Their movements were perfect. They were putting on a show. They were given the order to salute the colors, it was one fluid movement, one sound. They stood at attention, and all of their feet snapped to position, and hands behind their motion, one sound. It was like nothing you'd ever seen before. They would "Lean Back and Strut..." How precise they were. How perfect these Marines were. When they were dismissed, it was awesome. They started with one platoon, and it was so quick, like a domino effect. They would spin around so fast and break their perfect lines after they were given the order they had been waiting so long to hear, "Dismissed!". No words can describe how incredibly proud I am of you, Adam. Now, you're off to do another part of your job, and it will require sacrifices. Stay safe, keep your sense of humor, and know that you have your family and friends here at home that love you very much. We think about you EVERY SINGLE DAY, and pray for your safe return home in June. You make me proud every day, Adam. Every time I see the picture I have of you in your Blues, every time I see a USMC flag, or run into a vet, or another Marine. I always think of you. I proudly wear my little yellow ribbon for you every single day. Semper Fidelis, Little Bro..... Love Ya, -Sis "To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time." That being said, SEMPER FI MY SON, MOM
Thank you all for the Nice Welcome.....I know Riley and I are going to enjoy it here. Monique, we are almost neighbors. I got Riley from a small petstore here in town. He was a rescued parrot. The couple that had him before me just didnt have the time for him. He was not mistreated, just didnt get the attention he deserves. Well, as of the moment, Riley has me wrapped around his little claw. I even hate to leave to go to work, cause I just love him so much. When I head out the door, he will say " Mommy's gotta work, she be right back" .... and of course I just melt. He is one smart little grey chicken. So smart, that at times he scares me!!!! LOL I cant wait to get to know all of you.... Thanx, Cindy
here are a few pics of the playstand I made for Riley. Super Easy and he loves it <br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2007/09/19 18:45
I was just wondering if anybody else's Grey gets carsick. Riley loves to ride in the car, but after 30 minutes of so, he starts regurgitating. He soes not seem worse for wear. Seems perfectly healthy. My Vet has checked has checked him. In fact, He goes twice a year to an Avian Vet for his checkups. So I guess Riley just can not tolerate long car rides. Thanks, Cindy
Thank you for the nice welcome!!!!! Cursingllama, I see that you are a Marine. My son is currently stationed at Camp Pendleton, and is awaiting deployment to Iraq Oct 15th. I am VERY PROUD of him and all Marines hold a SPECIAL PLACE in my heart. Cindy VPMM (very proud marine mama)
Hello, Just thought that I would introduce myself to the Forum! My name is Cindy and I am from Lincoln NE. I am VERY PROUD to say that I have been owned by an African Grey for over 5 yrs now. His name is Riley Jo, but he has several nicknames. My favorites that I call him are "Pickles" and Goober Do". He has an amazing vocabulary of countless words and phrases. I can not imagine my life with out my little grey buddy. I fall in love with him over and over again. Thank you for letting me join this Forum. Cindy and Riley <br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2007/09/19 17:07