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  1. I learned about a really easy and FREE way to make donations to the Oasis Sanctuary foundation.....it's through e scrip. You go to the escrip.com web site and fill out the safeway Or Vons number and choose Oasis Sanctuary Foundation as the recipient and evertime you grocery shop, the store will send a little of the money you spent to the sanctuary. It's a totally FREE way to give money. And the BIRDS will thank you for it! http://www.the-oasis.org/
  2. wondering if there are other bird moms/dads out there who fix their guys hot breakfast on cold mornings? I started with brown rice and now they sort of expect it....they give me the "what???? no hot breakfast?" look, so I'll make them some oatmeal or corn meal or whatever we have time for.
  3. Toby's a Good Bird!...All three of 'em are good birds....they just happen to think of me as the "maid"....after all, I'm the one who cleans the cages/ bird room/ fills the bowls, wipes up the poop etc. Their "poppy" just comes home, hands out almonds or sunflower seed treats and gets the glory.
  4. Joe, and all, thanks !!....I'm printing out your advice and will follow. Toby is a good bird but he's trying to find a way to my Imelda Marcos inspired shoe collection.
  5. I have louvered bi-fold closet doors in my bedroom and Toby chewed away a corner of the door..:sick: One time I heard the phone ring (it was Toby)...then he started talking, "u-huh? u-huh?....well, you're going to have to help me that. u-huh?...ok"....then he made the sound of a phone hanging up. ..... well, I need help repairing the lower corner of this door
  6. Thanks for the Aloe tip!.....here's a tip that my vet, avian specialist Brian Spear gave the green light to: when the little birds are over-the-top excited and you need them to calm down, a little camomile tea works perfectly.
  7. Does anyone have experience repairing woodwork with bondo? my little chomper was busy yesterday afternoon.
  8. hi, I've been "the sort of person who kept a parrot" for most of my adult life. Big Lou Finebird (originally Lucy) is a one-person bird (double yellow head) and I'm his person. My husband wanted a bird to call his own, so we adopted Debbie Michelle, (a gofin too) ....then Toby, a grey came into our flock....Toby's dad had a human baby (go figure) and didn't feel as if he could give Toblerone the attention he needed. So now we're a 3 bird family. Toby is brilliant with a huge vocabulary and plays well with others. but I don't really know much about this type of bird. I think that Toby is favoring one foot. he also seems to be grooming the favored foot more than the other.....and he's into getting into the bath with me, walking up and down my leg in the bath...what's up with that?
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