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  1. I'm so glad I found this site. I see I found a great source for information. I am soon to adopt 2 CAG's. I've had parakeets and lovebirds but never a large bird. An elderly lady I recently became acquaintances with has advanced cancer. She has 2 male CAG's and looking for a good home. I had been wanting another bird and happily told her I would take her 2 birds. She will only let them go together, not split up. The birds are in separate cages. She is giving me the cages also. I believe the birds have been kept in the basement of the house for some time and just getting nutrition due to her illness. When I saw them they are both very timid. I believe she said they are approx 6-8 years old. One was caught in the wild, the other raised by hand. Neither can be handled at the present although she said the hand raised one could be held at one time. The one from the "wild" has plucked many chest feathers and she stated he goes thru phases of doing this. It really breaks your heart to see him. Fortunately there is a local bird fair this weekend and I'm going there to get supplies, toys, make local contacts, advice, etc. I will continue their present brand of pellets but from reading sounds like Harrisons is the best. I plan to eventually switch them over. I also plan to keep the cages in my living room as that is where I spend all my time, but do you think that will be too overwhelming in the beginning and should I start out in a quieter room? There is only my husband and I. No children, they are in college. I'm quite concerned about their diet. Please direct me to a source which will give me good, clear directions on how often to feed what type of foods. I understand from reading this is a huge undertaking but I'm excited and willing to do what I can to give them a loving, safe home. Looking forward to hearing from others. bj
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