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  1. The Vet didn't even touch him all the vets near us don't really know too much about them. He just asked us general questions about diet etc and to bring him back if he didn't get any better with the plucking and would do some tests! Still trying to find a vet who deals with african greys!
  2. Hi He has been moved into another room but for the first three months he was fine then he had his first moult at the same time we had family members come to stay with us but we have been told the more people around the better it is for the bird to get used to people. We have tried all sorts but cant help feeling its since his moult that when his new feathers are coming through it must make him itchy and irratable. Other than him plucking he seems to be fine always listening and comes out with great words. He loves to be sprayed with water but i have heard aloe vera juice relieves itchiness, any suggestions?
  3. had him just over a year yes trained like i said when he wants to be
  4. can any one please give me any advice on an african gray he is plucking his feather but not chewing them desperate for some information.
  5. bert is 1 and recently startied plucking at his legs, chest and under wings, i have read that this is not normal but vet says he is fine, might be bored we have got toys which we move around regulary he has a good diet,he is never left alone for long periods if no one is around the radio is left on, would like to know if there is anything else we can try as his temperment has changed he only lets my self or my husband near him when he is in a good mood generally in the morning any advice would be appreciated please!!
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