Dear Folks,
I'm curious about this. I can find tons and tons of information about what good mimics they are. What I can't find is any info on what their vocalizations are when they're NOT mimicking.
We adopted an 8-year-old male CAG about two months ago. Elmo has an indeterminately large vocabulary; he's still trotting out an average one new vocalization every day or two.
Most are clearly human-related and identifiable, though sometimes it takes us quite a while. There was one creepy wail we labeled "haunted parrot." Finally figured out it was a small child squealing in play. Doesn't help that Elmo knows an insane assortment of sound effects.
The outraged squawks when we trim his nails and the wheezy chuff-chuff when he goes into mating dance mode are clearly "bird-speak."
Then there's stuff in between we can't tell. Some specific ones we've heard that we're curious about:
1) An unvoiced hiss or exhalation sound he makes when he's happy and excited.
2) A loud "crack" sound like hands clapping. Sometimes single, sometimes repeated. This is a vocalization, not a beak click.
3) A "pock-pock" (or "poi-poit") sound he makes when he's pleased.
4) A hoot (sounds a little in tone like an oboe) he makes when he wants attention. Sometimes single, sometimes repeated.
Anyway, I'd appreciate some enlightenment. Thanks!
pax / Ctein