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Everything posted by johnmclean1984

  1. Trying to attach a newish photo of Sunshine, hope this works! <br><br>Post edited by: johnmclean1984, at: 2009/03/25 19:50
  2. Hey everybody! I've been here before quite a while ago, and only just remembered today that I could come here for advice. I came here looking for advice about my Granda's parrot, and got lots of great tips so thank you all! My Granda died in September and Sunshine moved in (after a lot of arguing and emotional blackmail!) with me in my parent's house. She's almost completely stopped plucking her feathers, is eating a little better than before, but most importantly she's playing with lots of different toys which is great! I'm gonna try and contribute much more to this forum, it seems like a great place! Thanks, John and Sunshine<br><br>Post edited by: johnmclean1984, at: 2009/03/25 19:46
  3. thanks, i dont know how to resize it, sorry that message came up 3 times by the way, i didnt mean to!!
  4. wow, thanks very much guys, i really appreciate all your advice, wasnt expecting it so quickly! just a quick reply to a few points, she gets a lot of out of cage time, every time i go into the room with her all you hear is "do you want out? do you want to sit on your perch?", she seems to really enjoy being out! I didnt realise I'd need a scale, I'm not even sure how I'd make her sit still on it, way too jumpy and nervous but I'll look out for one over the next week also the bit about "wanting what she can't have" sounds really great, I'll have to try that over the next few weeks and see if she comes around! thanks for all your suggestions, I'll definitely keep you all updated! any more hints would also be great, thanks again!!
  5. Hi everybody, so glad i found this site! 2 years ago my granda got an african grey for his birthday, beautiful bird, very good talker, seems quite intelligent.... but to cut a long story short she's never really had any good toys in her cage with her, so she plucks her feathers, not really noticeably, but i can see them lying round the bottom of her cage and on the floor when she's out on her perch. now im looking after her more, im trying to introduce her to new toys, but without much luck, shes scared of anything remotely colourful or much bigger than her, i was just wondering if anybody had any ideas about ay sort of toys i could give her to play with? she loves shredding pieces of paper and catalogues etc, she also loves battering bells, but id love to just be able to put any toy in with her fo her to destroy the other thing im concerned about is her diet, she is very very very limited in what she eats, she leaves most of her normal seed mix, and won't eat any kind of fresh fruit or veg, is there anything i can do about this? thanks very much, id really appreciate it if anybody could help me with this!<br><br>Post edited by: johnmclean1984, at: 2007/08/25 17:36
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