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Everything posted by coolnana5

  1. i was told when my grey lost his balance or not walking properly that he needed more calcium in his diet.. Grey's i was told, need lots of calcium.. good luck
  2. Hi , i have an african grey that is about 1 1/2 yrs old.. i really don't know much about food.. i bought , what i thought was the bland food at pets mart, no seed and he wouldn't touch it.. then i bought a bag of parrot food at walmart and he loves it.. i don't think this is healthy stuff. i do give him plenty of people food, fruit, pasta, nuts etc.. how can i wean him to a better diet and what else can i feed him.. thanks
  3. i can't find moth traps anywhere. only bird store we have is where i bought this moth infested food and i will not go back there, but i found these sticky fly traps. put them up , one on each floor and wow, you should see all the moths. i'm still seeing a few, but not too bad.. try it
  4. i've looked everywhere this morning for moth traps. i was in the bug forum yesterday complaining about bugs, but found out they were moths. someone said to buy moth traps and i can't find them.. Also a few said to keep food in freezer or refrigerator.. which is best to kill these horrible creatures. i'm new here, but i didn't know how to post in the forum i was in last night. i couldn't find the post button.lol
  5. thank you all. i will do these things. moth traps and getting some apple juice for those thirsty little pests...
  6. well i now have bugs everywhere. need an exterminator , 3 times in 2 years. i just can't afford this. does anyone know how i can keep the bugs out of their food. and is there anything safe for birds on the market to exterminate with. i've been cleaning cages, toys, i threw all food away. i really got it bad..
  7. Help... i have 4 birds and for the 3rd time in 2 years i've had to get an exterminator. i have those little black flying things all over everything. i was seeing just an occasional one, but today all h... broke lose. i've been throwing all their food away. cleaned all their cages and toys. i litterally been cleaning for 4 hours now. how do i keep the birds food from getting buggy. i have plastic containers with lids on them. i also found these critters in my flour etc. haven't checked cereal yet. but i just can't afford exterminators all the time. does anyone know of a way i can exterminate safely myself...
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