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Everything posted by Zooky

  1. :dry: I almost hate to tell you this..........but Mende eats all his meals on the counter with us. no throwing..all gone...yummmoh!!!!
  2. hi!! All super great ideas...thanks. I have a eucaliptus (sp) tree in my back yard. I saw a branch off...and trim is smoothly...then drill a hole in the bottom. I get a square of plywood...and add that with a screw for a platform. I have made several in all different sizes...and they work for me. zooky
  3. sorry to hear of your familys loss..........please find some comfort in knowing...GOD only picks the best flowers for his garden.....zooky
  4. hello everyone...........thank you all so very very much for caring and for all your prayers. I still have not made a decision about having more tests done on Mendes liver........sometimes the unknown...can be some comfort. I have to tell you all tho..............u are right...mende does not know...and continues to make us laugh hard everyday. Mende stole a huge shrimp off a dinner plate the other night.....and ran over to the corner to eat it all up!!! Again thank you all........I am so happy i joined this group.......you are all special......hugz zooky
  5. this is Mende's vets addy...u can look her up on line...www.fvs.com zooky;)
  6. thank you all...for your kind words. zooky
  7. Mende was crushed in the nest apparently with the rest of his clutch. I thought he was born with his poor deformed limbs and claws....But the vet told me...this could not have happened while inside the egg. It seems his spine is also deformed. I saw the xrays today.......and just cried. I will know more Monday....if he can have the surgery to remove two toes that are bending upwards and catching on everything....however there is nothing that can be done about making his legs straight so he can stand upright. I was assured...he was not in pain..........and in fact was very healthy. The vet also told me that greys live 35 to 40 years...not the 60 i have been told. zooky<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/25 02:35
  8. Mende cannot live in a cage......he falls alot from his deformed feet...so I am afraid to put him in a hhuge one. he actually has a baby crib for a cage.....it is lined with plastic grating......He also sleeps in...a..."cat house".....Mende likes to lie on soft things. I have to be very carfeful where i put him...as his twisted claws.....seems to attract things and it gets caught in them...as well as his nails.
  9. I have two pictures of Mende posted.....silly me...they say New Jersey....yikesz.....have faith I will conquer this!!! thanks new friends!! zooky
  10. thankszzzzzz for the nice welcome!! zooky
  11. I am new to the room of course....and I posted about myself last week when I joined but.........I think I must have put it in the wrong place!! Soo...trying again here. I am a huge animal lover...from birds to horses. I have a CAG who is 9 months old and was born with deformed hips...knees...and claws.....his/her name is Mende. This is my first time owning a grey.....and what a joy it has been. I also have 4 talking quakers.....one old cockatiel.(18) and 5 parakeets....one rabbit(pohzey ohzee) and one guinea pig..(jj)...along with 5....55 gallon fish tanks (fresh water) plus a few little tanks. I love learning all I can about my animals and am happy to be able to talk to people who love them as much as i do.....my nicname (zooky) comes from a shorten zookeeper.....I was given that in a chat room years ago and it has stuck. thanks to those who have already answered my questions....and am looking forward to learning more. My birds ( all of them) favorite saying is.........."Whats your problem? Birds dont talk!" signing off for now....zooky
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