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NewMamma last won the day on April 1 2024

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  1. She is back to acting like she did before now…..but I agree that I need to take her to the vet ASAP. Here’s my next question, how do I get her into something to take her there? And what is that thing I need….like a carrier with a perch? I’ll probably have to schedule the last appointment of the day and start trying at 8am!! Any tips would be appreciated greatly!!
  2. I never thought about it like that….that just because I have been around her for her whole 18 years….and daily for the 6 months prior to bringing her here, she will still need to adjust to the environment. I definitely plan on taking her to a vet just to give her the “once over” but I think it’s best that I wait a little bit…so she adjusts and I can figure out how I will get her into a transport carrier….i transported her here in her cage because I had access to a vehicle big enough at the time. Anyway, I will just relax a little and let her settle in. Thank you for your advice!!
  3. Good evening everyone! Baby is sleeping a lot more than usual….is that normal for the season or something? I work from home and her cage is in the same room as my computer…normally she is active and talkative most of the day but today she slept a good portion of my 8 hour work day. And right now her cage is wide open….she normally bolts out the first chance she gets and climbs all over the cage feverishly but today it took her awhile to come out and when she did, she was unsure of her footing/beak placement. She was only out for about 10 minutes and then went back in on her own…cage still open which never happens. Usually it takes me a good 30 minutes to convince her to get back in. Now, I should mention….probably should have lead with this…she fell from the top of her cage (on the inside) so the reluctance to climb makes sense to me. But coupled with the excessive sleeping I, being the paranoid parront that I am, has me wondering if she’s okay. Thank you all in advance!!
  4. Thank you for the encouraging words!! It means a lot!!!
  5. Thank you! I currently have 4 perches in there….all different lengths and widths, some curvy, some straight, and 2 are the edible kind. She definitely seems more content now that it’s been some time without the old set up…perches and clutter of toys….especially because she LOVES to swing upside down from the top of her cage so now she has plenty of room to swing as much as she wants! I really appreciate you!
  6. I still appreciate you answering!!! Thank you!!
  7. That makes total sense!! I’m just so new at being a….what do you call it….parront?…so I question everything!! Which is why I am so glad to have found this forum! Thank you for your response!
  8. Hi everyone! When I brought Baby home, she had several perches and toys in her cage. I was showing a picture of her to a bird store owner/boarder/rescuer and she was adamant that I take out the sand and pumice ones. I did it and replaced with some others but she really seemed to love rubbing her beak on those….and they are marketed as being for that purpose and for greys….what are your thoughts on the topic? Thank you !!!
  9. Thank you so much! I feel so much better now….like I said, my experience handling birds is limited and I just want to make sure I am taking the best care of her! We have had a bond over her 18 years but since she came to live with me, it has become something I honestly never believed could happen with a bird(sorry everyone!!!)….but I’ve been converted! Oh and she always is trying to regurgitate for me, then she bows her head so I pet her….falls asleep while I’m doing it….so precious!! Not sure if I’m supposed to make a new post for this but I need to buy her a new cage and was wondering what brands you would recommend? There’s really only one decent bird store in my area and I know they are pricey….but I also don’t want to go online and just get anything. Hoping there’s some quality ones out there that are more reasonably priced! Thank you so much again! 💜
  10. Hi everyone! First of all, thank you for this group….i definitely need some advice! I recently adopted a beautiful African grey parrot because the owner was moving and not able to take her with. She is about 18 years old and I have known her since she was a hatchling but I never owned a bird or handled one and I’m worried I won’t know what she’s trying to tell me sometimes. I attached a video of her here…what concerns me is the noise she is making and the way she is just sitting on the top of the cage all crouched down. I have in the past seen eggs in her cage and was told by a local bird shop owner that this would mean she needs more calcium in her diet. First, is that what she looks like she’s doing? Second, what is best for calcium? Also, is there anything more serious I may need to be concerned about/have her seen at a vet for?? I appreciate any advice more than you all know! Thank you!! IMG_1536.mov
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