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  1. Hi there, Juliet is 11 months old. We stopped hand feeding her formula at around 4 months old. During the past month, when I hold my fingers near her beak she will grab it and start the bobbing motion and will do it several times until I move my hand away. A few of these times after she had done the bobbing, she would regurgitate a cooked seed from a mix that given her earlier. Is this motion indicative of her wanting to hand feed again? What should I do? A few additional facts about her are: She weighed 407 grams tonight after eating. She knows where all her feeding bowls are and eats from them regularly.
  2. I dont know if any fledging was allowed or how many of the feathers were clipped...will visit her tommorow and see if I can find out.
  3. Thanks for all the responses guys, I really appreciate it!!
  4. Hopefully within this upcoming week we will bring her home.
  5. Well, what concerns me is that it seems a little droopy or expanded downward in that area in comparison to the other greys. When your grey stands upright, is the level at which the lowest flight feather rests, at the same height in relation to the leg (assuming clipped wings)? Could it be the way the wings were clipped? Maybe they were clipped a little too short?
  6. Yes the wings have been clipped. Every employee I've asked about the wings says that it is a normal condition because she is young, or tired. However, almost all the other greys' wings seem more tightly shaped (but clipped as well).
  7. Hi everyone, While visiting our grey at the store a few times, I noticed that the wings are sort of drooping on both sides towards the end of the wing by the tail (pictures attached). This was the case for most of the time I spent at the store, about 45 mins. However, there were a few instances where her wings were taught but only for a few minutes. Her hatch date is some time in February so that would make her about 4 months old. I dont know if this is a condition due to her age, but I am very concerned by this. In addition, her stance isn't fully upright all the time, instead she slightly leans forward. <br><br>Post edited by: mpr86, at: 2008/06/07 21:46
  8. Hi everyone, I'm planning on choosing a CAG (from a group of weaning 2-3 month olds) in a couple days and was wondering if I can get some suggestions as to how to examine and choose a healthy one. I will take him to a vet of course, however, I just wanted to see if there's any type of visual or physical examination I can perform beforehand at the pet shop, to minimize the chances of a problem in the future. My concerns are primarily to detect spraddle leg or any other type of physical abnormality. Thanks in advance!
  9. We took him to the vet the day after we picked him up, and the vet said everything was normal and even took a blood sample from a toenail on the leg in question. I will call him today.
  10. Hi there, We gave our CAG a bath today and when he was drying, I noticed by feeling his legs, that his left leg is noticably wider (from front to rear) and the bone/muscle that connects to the foot is slightly different than his right leg. He seems to grip stronger with his right foot than his left. When he walks, he seems to wobble a bit and his stance is hunched. When he climbs, it seems that he is mostly using his right foot to help him pull up and also uses the right foot to hold food. He is about 4 and 1/2 months old. Is this normal? Post edited by: mpr86, at: 2007/11/28 06:10<br><br>Post edited by: mpr86, at: 2007/11/28 06:11
  11. We picked him up on the 18th and got his checkup on the 19th of this month (3 days ago). The doc said he was healthy, but we started to notice this the day after the vet checkup.
  12. Starting about a day after we brought him home, he started to twich his head occasionally. The head twitching happens mostly after feeding and when someone approaches to pick him up while he's on top of his cage. For example, when I put my finger to his chest and tell him to step up while he's on top of the cage, he will twitch/shake his head as if hes saying no. Another example is: I was sitting on the floor, he was on the floor as well, and he climbed up my pants onto my arm and then stood there and twitched his head until I started to move. He also likes to rub his beak a lot between the bars. However, whenever he's inside the cage by himself, he never twitches. I sat there and timed him for a full 5 minutes while he was inside the cage and not a single head twitch. Any thoughts?
  13. You guys requested some photos, just snapped these. It seems her step up and increased, she is more receptive to it and actually steps up about 60% of the time outside of the cage and 80% when inside the cage. Obviously not perfect, but we are getting there. When she does step up, we reinforce with "Good girl" and feed her a little treat of popcorn. She also has started to whistle occasionally which is surprising at 4 months or is that normal? She is still weening, and these photos were taking right after hand feeding, so she is a bit messy and refuses me allow to clean her beak. My brother and I had a concern about something the bird was doing, I will make a post with a video on that later with what he is doing. For now the pics
  14. Hi! Here are some answers The hatch date was 7/15/07. We picked her up this last sunday after visiting her several times at the store. We took her in for an overall checkup yesterday and the doctor said she was healthy and weighed in at 382 grams. The wings were clipped when we picked her up. This morning she was sitting on top of the cage and then just sort of flapped her wings and glided down to the floor. It wasnt really a smooth glide but the landing wasnt too bad. I dont really remember at what angle she came in but it seemed about 30-45 degrees. She then climed on top of a transporter cage and started to flap her wings repeatedly for a few minutes.
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