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Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. Dreamy


    Got it thx so much
  2. Dreamy


    Ok guys well I backed off and now she come for me, meaning if I am close the cage she will come out to get closer to me and or she will walk down her cage and walk to where I am. Idk if it’s a good thing that she is wants to walk around But I call to her. Sometimes she comes close. Sometimes she doesn’t. I will keep u guys posted
  3. Dreamy


    Hi everyone ❤️Thank you guys. I much appreciate your suggestions. I have a Quaker parrot whom was severely neglected so he is craze lmao. He used to bite me at first. Very scared but he was tiny so the bites didn’t hurt. 😂😂but she is Large and they hurt. Non the less I did realize I must take it slowly with felony and I backed off. I don’t know her background but she was from a friend of a friend so I may reach out to get her do and don’ts. We were doing very good at first then she bit me. Since I have given her space she is leaning in for head rubs but I’m reluctant to touch her. SHe very rarely pin her eyes and flatten her feathers. I think that’s a good thing. Idk. When I come close her feathers raise slightly and her eyes open wide. don’t know how to read this because she seems very inviting and sweet and like she likes me. I am reading everything I can find until I talk to her previous owner
  4. Dreamy


    I just recently got a 20 year old bird. She has bitten me twice but she has also stepped up to my hand and has reached out her foot like she wants to step up when I approach her. Iam nervous she will bite me again. It hurts and has made blood. I feel like she likes me. How can I make sure a good relationship and her not to bite me anymore.
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