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  1. lol thanks. I actually wrote a book for my Quaker. I have it typed up somewhere I'll try and find it an post a link.
  2. Thanks for all the wonderful replies everyone!! I'll probably come around with another few questions but right now it is 1 a.m. here so I'm off to bed!
  3. As some of you have seen on introductons, I currently have a Quaker parrot and after my life is alittle less crazy I would like to get my first Grey. I just have a few easy questions for all of you all. First off, I would like to know if a Grey would be ok in an apartment type situation. I know that no bird will ever be TOTALLY quiet but with my Quaker he really only screams as loud as he can once or twice a day and thats normally only if I haven't taken him outside on his harness to stretch his wings. When he gets screaming loud it can be quiet noisy but since it is so infrequent I would consider him to be ok in an apartment. Most of the Greys I have been around can be loud but arn't very frequently and prefer, once they have learned, to talk and chatter as opposed to screaming outright. Is that the norm in Grey behavior? Secondly, I would really like it if my Grey was socialized in a way that would allow strangers to hold or pet him. With the proper socialization would this be possible? How would I go about socializing a Grey in this way? With Griffin, he has a very outgoing personality so when I socialized him I just jumped right into a new area and he just looked to me and when I was confident then so was he but I don't think this would work for a Grey since they are alittle more cautious. A few more questions will be more about cage stuff but I'll keep it together in this post I know that it is generally accepted that bigger is better but is there a point that is too big? I know with Griffin I got him such a large cage I have to arrange things just so because if I don't he acts like he gets lost in it. I personally wouldn't mind getting a big macaw sized cage (assuming I can get the right bar spacing) to give him space to move around in but I don't want him to get lost in it like Griffin. What is a good size range to look for when buying a cage. I know what the smallest requirements but I'd rather have a general size range. Also, Griffin lives on his 'tree' which is a ton of branches cemented into a base and he LOVES it. It is very natural for him. He never tries to leave or fly off of his tree but occasionally he does fall off so he has a ladder that allows him to climb up if he falls. When I get my Grey I would love to make him a tree like Griffins but I am not sure I can get ahold of branches that are 3/4" to 1" in diameter. Also, while I know they arn't as clumsy as they are made out to be (assuming they are allowed to fledge properly) but I wouldn't want him falling and getting hurt. Would it be ok for him to have a tree like Griffin or would that be unadvisable? I already know that the two birds will never be able to play with eachother but is it ok to keep them in the same room together after the 30 day quarentine of course and while keeping them out of reach of one another or would they have to stay on opposite sides of the room? Right now Griffin has a custom cage stand.Here is a Tiny Picture of It. This cage stand prevents him from climbing onto the sides or top of his cage when he is out so that would keep him away from a cage on either side of his cage so if I put the Grey's cage a foot or two away from Griffins would that be ok? I plan on harness training my Grey with the aviator harness like I did with Griffin. How soon after I get my new grey home should I start working on getting him comfortable with the harness? Here are some pictures of Griffins Tree. It has changed some since these pictures but here they are anyway! <br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2008/07/06 07:30
  4. Hi everyone! My name is Kitty and this is my baby boy Griffin. I have been a member of this forum for some time but I am reintroducing myself cause I haven't been around for a LONG time! I have been a parront to Griffin for 5 months now and he is such a sweet baby. He spends MOST of his life living on his tree (partly shown in the picture. made out of bird safe wood cemented into a spare recycling bin) He does have a very large cage (3 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and 3 1/2 feet tall) but he only really sleeps in it and sometimes stays in it if he is being bad). Griffin is currently 10 months old and going through his teen years but so far we haven't had to many problems with him. He screams occasionally but anyway, I'm rambling. We have Griffin INCREDIBLY socialized. Yesterday for the 4th of July there was a big gathering type thing going on in the park (booths to buy things, face painting and inflatables for the kids, a car show and so on) I took Griffin (on his aviator harness) out to the park and we spent 3 hours walking around letting him take pictures sitting on all the kids shoulders. He LOVES kids! He will go to anyone and has never bitten anyone (didn't even bite the 2 year old who pulled on his tail). He goes out for socializing once a week either to a park or downtown and he is held, petting, and talked to by anyone interested in doing so. We work VERY hard to keep him this friendly with everyone. Last week he had bout of tree territoralizim but everyone in the house just ignored the nips and forced him to step up and he is over it now. He just has his days sometimes! My dream bird would be to eventually own a gray. The problem is I am currently going to college and working part time and I am engaged to be married after college so as you can imagine it will be awhile before I am actually able to get a gray but I have already done ALOT of research and I know what I would be in for. I joined this form in hopes of gaining even more knowledge about my future gray.<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2008/07/06 07:21
  5. I'm not really sure where this goes so I'll post it here. By looking at this thread you have already helped me a TON and I thank you. Here is why. I've been playing a game called Dragon Cave. A little young for me I'll admit but still quite addicting. Basically you start the game with eggs. You post the eggs links and pictures on different websites and every view or click gets the egg's picture one step closer to hatching. After it has hatched you repeat the process until it grows into an adult. If you don't get the views fast enough it dies. So thank you for viewing this you have helped me out alot. Every hour on the hour the pictures will go out for a few minutes so if you are here in that general time frame please glance back in a few minutes. Every view helps SO much!! Also if your really feeling generous click any or all of the following links. You don't have to sign up for anything or even read the page. Just wait for the page to load then close it. Its that easy! Thanks everyone for all your help!! If you have the time please check back often. I'll try to keep the pictures updated and current. They will change often so check back and see how my babies are doing! Help me out on my game. Please click the following pictures! Also, if anyone is interested in joining its free and lots of fun. I will be more than willing to help as much as I can. Feel free to post and we can chat and keep this bumped if at all possible that would just be wonderful! Thanks!! Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2008/01/15 04:09<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2008/01/15 06:12
  6. Congrats on the decision! You MUST post pictures soon!
  7. Here are all the pictures I have of my sweet baby. Whether this will end up being the bird I get or not is still uncertain but if I end up getting a different one there will be even more baby pictures!!! Oh and I have decided on the name Griffin! Here we go!!! These are the first pictures I received of my baby. He's about 4 weeks old at this point! Here's a pictures of Griffin and a sibling. In this next set he is now 7 weeks of age and looking much more feathered! Always moving this is the best way the breeder can get a picture of him Get that tissue! Here is Griffin at 3 months of age Perching and in full beautiful feathers! Here he is now. He is currently 4 months old! Pretty Bird He still won't stay still Snuggle Birdie! Hope you enjoyed my photo tour of my baby thus far! More as they come! Please post any comments!<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2008/01/05 19:12
  8. Sorry for the long delay! Thankies for the support thus far and please keep posting if you have any extra information!
  9. On the hunt for Quaker info. I've read through a couple different books and next spring I am planning on bringing the first bird into my house, a wonderful little baby Quaker. I've been chatting on and off with different breeders and I plan on making good and sure that the birds are treated properly before I buy. Anyway, the reason I posted is because I'm looking for any information they don't talk about in the books. Real life experience with people who know first hand what its like having a Quaker. Also I LOVE pictures of your birds so please feel free to post pictures of your bird, its cage, its toys, exc. Thanks!
  10. Planning on a blue. It will be next spring before I am able to get one...
  11. Very cute picture! After talking with breeders of both birds I've decided to go with a Quaker. I thank you all for your help and concerns!
  12. I would actually make a seed guard for either cage. Thank you all so much for your help. I am chatting with a few breeders of both birds so hopefully I can decide.
  13. Thanks. I'll certainly look around for it! I guess my big concern with the night frights is that the bird will injure itself and since I will be in a room where I can't hear it I will not know and it will die or nearly so before morning. Edit: I have found and reserved the book at my local library. I will hopefully be able to pick it up today before Robert gets home from work.<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/09/17 14:13
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