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Everything posted by Connie

  1. Connie


    ya, I posted a link there, hoping the same thing.
  2. Check out this link for toy ideas... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-grey-lounge/23317-toys.html
  3. Connie


    I'm glad you all enjoy these ideas.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine losing my babies. I have 5 CAGs. I live in Ontario Canada, and wanted to let you know that the biggest bird buying site is kijiji. http://toronto.kijiji.ca/ it covers all of Canada, but especially Ontario. Best of luck for a safe return.
  5. LOL isn't THAT the truth! hehehehe Sadly, I have listed her on Kijiji for slae or trade of a DNA'd male. The guy was so sure she was a he, I bought her. I want to trade her now, while she is still a baby and can adapt/ajust to a new home without being traumatized.
  6. Connie


    Just wanted to bring this to the front again for people who haven't seen it yet.
  7. It's official, Chico is a female. Another baby girl.
  8. Wow, don't know how I missed that posting, nice baby!
  9. When did you get Millie, and why no pics?
  10. Yes, I just got Chico a week and a half ago. (He) is only 8 months old (Dec 14/07) and yes, the year has gone fairly fast, Goldie is a year on Aug. 10th. I can't see any difference in the two birds except that Chico's feet are HUGE for his age. I think they are bigger than Goldie's right now. As for the size of the bird, Goldie is smaller than her sister who is a year older, (my friends have her - fourtrap is name on here) she looks big to Chico right now though. I have NO idea.
  11. Here is Goldie, my soon to be 1 baby girl.
  12. Hello all, Can anyone tell me the sex of Chico my B&G Macaw? I have sent the DNA papers away, and should know early next week. I'm hoping for a boy as I already have a girl.
  13. LOL Toni Karnak has been infested with the fleas of a thousand camels. hehehe
  14. wow, loud video! I have 2 B&G Macaws, 2 CAGs, and 2 Sun Conures, and to be honest with you all, the Macaws are the quietest. I also live in a large apartment, and the neibours are only bothered when I take the birds outside and they scream. (which they will only do if I go back inside)
  15. Her head looked pretty round to me, that's what I based my decision on anyway. By the way, I'm hoping Chico is a boy.
  16. Thanks TD. This one is a DNA'd Female... try this again.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2008/08/06 04:06
  17. I'm sure it's gotta be the shape of the head, round for females and kinda angled for males, like in the picture.
  18. Thanks TD and either way, she's a beauty!
  19. That's great Trustdace and Congo! Now somebody owes me some karma! lol Now I've got one for you guys... Male or female? names Chico, and I sent the DNA in this morning, should know end of week or early next week. picture in next message....<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2008/08/06 02:41
  20. Definately female, will bet Karma to those who say male and win.
  21. I agree dbl but I have yet to see the shape of the head misproven. As for the feather tips and toes, that's still up in the air.
  22. I also heard that only male greys could have white toe nails, anyone else know about this? Spanky has 3 white nails, and Darla's are all black. Congo looks like a BIG bird either way!
  23. I would put money on it, that it is a FEMALE.
  24. she's really cute, my fids aren't big fans of it.
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