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  1. I don't think I could have received a better response. I've had ziggy since 8 wks. I completed weaning him myself. So, I believe he's always felt spoiled, which he has. So I believe I have increased jealousy. We're outside right now. (South Florida) and they're about 4 feet away from eachother, chirping. So, maybe I'm doing something right. Ty so much. By the way, I noticed my new grey has a few red feathers on her neck! 😊 gonna continue to go real slow.
  2. Thank u both so much. They've been in the same room for about 4 days now. I put the cages really close Tonight and he climbed onto her cage, but appeared aggressive to her and she was moving away from him. So I picked her up. I'm moving the cages further apart again.
  3. Can someone please give me advice? I just adopted a second grey which is a female. I have a male, ziggy which I weaned myself. Anyways, ziggy is 3 1/2 y/o and bubbles is 4 1/2. I have had bubbles for only 3 day's now. She is a sweetheart and also tame. I have them in different rooms where they cannot see eachother yet but they do talk to eachother in the morning and evening. I plan 2 breed them. Hoping they choose to b mates. When should I start to let them see eachother. I know I'll have 2 move their cages closer to eachother very slowly. Any advice?
  4. I had my greys wings clipped at 3 1/2 months because I was worried about him flying and having ceiling fans in every room. He started Plucking soon after. I don't know if related or not but I wish I didn't do it. I also heard after I did it that it lowers they're self confidence.
  5. LNCAG if u ask any pet store, they will confirm this. However, u few who responded to me have put the thought of adoption in me. I wouldn't think that there would b that many needing homes. This is something I'm going to look into. Here in south Florida, greys prices just jumped from $3500. To $4700. This grey was at Golden cockatoo where they can confirm the endangered.
  6. That is a great question. I want to breed because they r already endangered, and we know what happens in time after this. I adore this breed and cried while watching how they're catching them on glue traps in africa. And 4 the joy of watching more being born coming into the world.
  7. I also agree with everything said above. My breeder told me the younger that 2 greys r put together the better the chance. And there is never a guarantee. He has a pair that just started breeding after 8 years together. Greys r my passion, so I'd like to help keep the breed going now that they're endangered. I was a documentary how they r caught on glue traps ect....in Africa and I was in tears. I had Malucan cocatoo that I tube fed, putting a tube down into it's crop, (I'm a nurse) weaned 3 greys by syringe an many other birds throughout the years. I adore this breed the most and want to do my little part of help to keep the breed going. Ty 4 ur input.
  8. Can I please ask 4 input on what the best age to do this is 4 breeding? Will I lose all of ziggy's love? He's 2 1/2 now. How long Should the female be kept apart at 1st if I start with a baby? Should she be fully tamed 1st? I do know a long time breeder that could guide me along.
  9. My Ziggy is now 2 years and 1 month old. He copys tons of sounds and noises but that's it. When he was 3 to 5 months old he said a few words, then never did again. What does everyone think the chance is that he will talk some day? And is there a certain age that if they don't say any words, they never will?
  10. Greytness he was tested for many things but I have never heard of asper. I will have to look it up. He copies several sounds, barks like my dogs, copies me when I make different sounds. Recently copied me saying ow (sp like ouch) and sounds like he's trying to imitate me laughing. I love him sooo much! We are so bonded. Do these things make it sound like he might talk again?
  11. My Ziggy is now 1 year and 9 months old. I weaned him from a baby. He first said I love you at 3 months old. Then dirty bird and I love you in the next few months. He then went through a few rounds of antibiotic injections 4 pseudomonas, then ecoli. He stopped talking at that point which was about 6 months old. Does anyone think he'll ever talk again?
  12. I started a topic about my Congo and his stools at the end of December. I'm new to this site and I can't find it to give an update. I took Ziggy to the vet right away and tons of tests were done including checking his liver. Everything came out normal. I don't know how to post this onto my initial stream. 2 people were asking 4 updates and I don't want them to think I'm just not posting a response. Can anyone transfer this to my stream 4 me??
  13. My congo was doing this 4 about 2 weeks. My vet said they will fall while sleeping if they get startled. However, I would take him to the vet 4 full blood work and follow the others advice about diet.
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