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Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Oh okay. Then it should not be a problem. Thanks a lot. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Yes i have been trying to do the same. Using mango as a disguise for the medicine. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Thanks a lot for the info. I will check out Dr. Jason Crean's teachings. Yes i am now giving him fresh vegies and fruit diet. But seeds are always present in his food bowl if he wants to have a go at it. Regards the IR lights, I have checked some forums which says that birds cannot see the spectrum of infrared hence the red night vision lights are invisible to them. I hope someone here can confirm me on this. Will keep everyone updated regarding how his health progresses. I have still not taken him off medicine as directed by the online avian vet who reduced the medicine to a suppliment syrup once a day to cater his deficiencies for a few more days. He really hates the medicine, makes me run after him for a good 30minutes just to have 1ml dose of syrup. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Hi. Hope you all are doing great. Just wanted to give you guys an update on my african grey. He is healing quite well. He is coming back to his playful self and keeps running around while vocalizing. I am now giving him fresh veggies along with smaller portion of fruits daily. He is liking the veggies alot. By the evening i keep in his bowl of pellets and seedmix but he is still not eating his seed mix diet which he was having before. As the vet i have been in contact with online said that he should have both propotions in a day with veggies and fruits for lunch while seed mix for dinner with occasional nuts. Could it be the reason that his nutrients are being fullfilled by the veggies and fruits in lunch that he is not having his seed mix diet? Also i wanted to ask i have placed a wifi camera in front of his cage to keep an eye on his behavior and if he has a seizure again (he has not had it again and i really really hope he doesn't) which has this night vision camera with 5 red lights (Infrared lights) which are visible at night. Does any of you have an idea that are these light harmful for parrots or is it safe to use? Other than that my african grey is doing really great now. Just hope he starts having his pellet/seedmix diet again so all his daily nutrients are catered. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Thank you. That's so nice of you. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Thank you for the message. Yes i have consulted with the avian vet on the link you provided me. Thanks for the link. I talked to the vet and she inquired me regarding the medicine i was giving and told me that the medicine is okay if it is healing him to recovery. Other than that she also suggested to give more veggies and pellet diet to cater all nutrients. I will now give him vegies tomorrow via juice blend as adviced by you. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Hi. Thanks for the reply. Yes that is what i was scared the most if he falls again due to a seizure. I have shifted him to a travel cage/hospital cage. But i really really hope he doesnt have a seizure again because it seemed very distresful and painful i almost thought that i had lost him because there was no pulse and then he suddently opened his eyes when my mother rubbed his belly and his back. It felt like a horror to see him like that. Today i gave him quite a good meal of fruits then after i while i gave him his favorite nuts (cashew and almonds). He is still not eating his pellet diet again which i am worried as he was really used to his pellet diet but since the yesterday's event he hasnt eaten pellet diet again. Today he had fruit and nuts along with his medicine in the morning (Vidaylin-M -> 1ml dosage). Also to cater his calcium deficiency i sprinkled powdered calcium in his fruit bowl to trick him into having calcium as well. Is this okay? This is what the local vet told me to do but i wanted to verify from you if this is all correct? He has been quite stable and active today which makes me really happy. Has been playing with his toys in the evening and also has been vocalizing. I really hope he is getting better as i cannot confirm his health with no vet availible. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Thanks for the reply. Yes ofcourse now i will give him veggies in the morning. He wont eat them plain im sure so ill trick him into eating veggies along with his favorite food. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Okay thank you i will get onto that. Will need to arrange sending the sample as all transit parcels are on hold due to the covid situation. Very bad timing for everything. As of current update, the vet prescribed Vidaylin-M syrup to cater to nutritients. He seems a lot better now. Started to play with his toys and also has started to vocalize. Hope he is getting better. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
The cage is built from a safe metal hence that might not be the reason. For the diet yes the current diet just seems to be high in fat or it could be a low quality pellet mix. Since yesterday i am trying to feed him fruits and vitamin water to cater to any deficiency if that was the cause. Really hoping that it was a deficiency and not an ND diesease as there is not treatment for it here. Peanuts i always give him without the shell. All nuts are washed and made sure are without shells so he doesnt inhale any dust from shells. I was really hoping to use a means of calling or talking to a certified avian vet. Thank you for the link. I just purchased their membership. Contacted them. Now waiting for a reply. I am living in Pakistan. Where there only certified vets for cats and dogs sadly. That is what the vet that visited us yesterday said that we can only be able to treat the symptoms with hope that it is only deficiency and he recovers. -
Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Taha replied to Taha's topic in Health Room
Thank you for the reply. Toys are only rope toys and wooden perch which are bird friendly. There are no other bell or metal related toys in the cage. As for the diet he was having pellet diet only with occasional fruit. Should i increase the times of fruit and veggie diet in a week? The swab test was not done by the vet. He did not have any equipment for parrots. That is the main problem that there is not even a single certified avian vet even in any other city. Since a long time i have been searching for a vet in any other city which specializes in birds or parrots but i was unable to find one. All vets are either specilized for cats and dogs or only generlized in poultry or general animal health. As for the current update, he has started to eat mango from my hand and also drinking ORS mixed water with vitamns on his own. Still looks a bit weak but is better than what he looked in the morning. I was stunned myself when he got the seizure. Gladly my mother was around and she didnt panick and dealt with him to stabalize him. -
Taha started following Emergency. Please help. AGC got stroke twice. Please help.
Emergency. Please i need help. My african grey congo is around 2.5 years old. He is a healthy and happy bird playful and talkative. I did not see any health symptoms in previous days. Today morning he was just singing casually and just screamed and dropped down to the floor and was lying upside down with claws tightly squeezed and no response. It looked like a seziure or stroke. My mother took him out of the cage and sprayed some water and tried to rub his back and belly but he was not responding for a few seconds but then pulse came back. But he looked very weak. I live in a country where there are absoulotly NO Avian vets in any town or city. Only vets are for cats and dogs. Few vets also deal with poultry but not certified for parrots. I immediatly called a vet who lived near by he came urgently and checked him and his pulse and just an overall inspection and said that it might be a heat stroke as temp this summer here are very high but my parrot is always indoor and always have fan cooling ventilation. Or the vet said it might be deficiency or weakness. He said to just keep watch and try to feed him fruits. After the vet left i tried to feed him his favorite fruit mango but he wasnt eating and was trying to push my hand away aggresively as he was not in the mood to eat. As he was pushing my hand away suddenly again the stroke/sezuire came again he screamed and dropped to the floor again. My hands were shaking again and was not able to do anything but my mother took him out of the cage and again tried to rub on his back and belly but he was not responding and his eyes were closed and his head hanged down as if there was no pulse in his body. But eventually rubbing and spraying a little water the pulse came back. I immediatly called the vet again he came as fast as he could. He gave him injection of small dosage of steroid and some vitamin drip to stabalize him. Then after a while he said that it might be ND disease as he is showing nervous symptoms. He also asked if my parrot was vaccinated of ND diesease but i said no. So he gave him some medicine vaccine and also disperene orally dissolved in water. For now the my bird seems stable but not active at all. But seems to sit upright and also just now 10mins ago he drank water which was mixed with ORS electrolytes for deficiency. He is still not eating yet. But drinking a little water. The vet said to keep close eye on him to check if he gets better. There is no confirmation if my parrot has the ND deisease as to confirm that a PCR test is required which is not availible in my country. So it is just a visual conclusion according to symptoms. I dont know what else to do. There are no avian specialist vets in my country. I am very desperate. I cannot bear to look at my bird have a stroke/seizure again. Please advice what could be done. The vet said to repeat the same medicine once every day in hopes that he recovers. Please advice what else should i do. Thank you. Regards.
Thank you for the reply. It is really tough to have our buddies show aggressiveness towards us. Trying my best and not giving up until rockey comes running back to me for a session full of scratchies instead of bitting. I really hope that time comes soon.
Thank you soo much for the reply. Cant wait for him to be back to his playful self. I really loved taking him out in the garden and spending quality time with him. I really hope this is all due to the age bracket. Although he is quite attached to another member of my family as he plays along really well with them (though i was the one he was most attached to before). You mentioned that parrots dont feel emotions as we humans do then why is the anger only with me among all the family members at home? For some members he is quite playful. For others, he is neutral. But for me, he shows aggressiveness. Although now there have been quite a lot of progress that he allows me to pet him outside the cage 1 out of 5 times. Im letting him adjust on his own pace. He lovee scratchiesss from me through the cage. Trying all the positive gestures. Hoping for the best.
Hi everyone. Hope you all are doing great. Its been almost more than a month since my last post. i have been worried recently. since then there was some progress that Rockey was allowing me to pet him through the cage and even allowing me pet him a few times when he was outside the cage playing as well (yes this was a huge success). But since a few days he has again gone mad on me for no reason. just recently i got really sad when he showed anger towards our favorite activity we used to do which was eating apples together. Just as of today i tried feeding him his favorite fruit (apple) and he showed anger towards the fruit and it seemed as if he was fighting the apple to reach my hand and bite me. i cant seem to understand what the reason might be as its been almost 2 months since the last time i posted on this forum and since then i have been giving him time and love on daily basis to make progress. Appreciating positive feedback with his favorite treat and giving him as many scratchieesss he allows me through the cage. Please guide me if i am doing something wrong or should i be more patient? I get really sad as we used to be really great buddies and i know due to me giving him less time he got mad at the first place. but since then i am making every effort to make him my buddy again. hope he forgives me and gets along with me soon.