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  1. These birds….I had a tough night, my COPD kept me coughing and restless so I went out to the living room sofa to sit…and catch my breath…. Morning came, uncovered Debbie, waited for her “can I come out, did ya poop” ( a morning ritual), opened her cage door. I went to sit down and heard her flapping wings, raised my arm in time for her to land and start demanding kisses! Over and over she wanted kisses! Probably reading more into it than is real but almost seemed like she knew I needed a little extra love or she was concerned about my coughing. I think they do indeed understand more than we realize, feel more and react accordingly at times.
  2. Glad to hear you and Alfie have reconnected as it were. I know your frustration but it seems patience and time have worked. Very happy for you. Debbie seems to be doing fine…she happily goes about her daily life, flying around the house in short bursts as her last trimmed feathers molt, hanging out in her tree or the back of the sofa. I did get nipped in the lip the other day, I think I startled her…I went to get a kiss, been doing that since she was a baby, well I should of made sure she focused, I didn’t and got tagged, my fault not Debbie’s. She spent the rest of day acting a little strange, almost sorry and a bit tentative( maybe the bloody fat lip made her feel guilty), didn’t come to me for head scratches. She was better the next day, normal as Debbie is…lol. Actually wanted more scratches than normal.
  3. Debbie is now 5-1/2 years old! Awesome little friend…and thankfully becoming more and more trusting and trustworthy. My wife used to be her target of sorts as previously stated, well now they’re buddies! Debbie will fly over and just sit and watch my wife do nothing, lol. Fly to the bedroom door, land on the floor and call for her now. So thankful my wife didn’t give up on her! She has had a seizure at the veterinarian for nail trim…that was a few weeks ago, have seen nothing more since…trying to get her to be less scared of being handled…well, she’s a Grey…not easy, being patient, wife gets to play with her feet some and trying to make that a first step.Hoping!
  4. We too must have an imposter…the only nut Debbie will eat is an almond and it has to be in the shell! Won’t even try them shelled! Won’t go near peanuts! Finding a treat to use for training so far has proved nearly impossible!
  5. Debbie is a fantastic talker…she does whistle, chatter and the like,. She will mock my whistles and noises for a bit, when she gets bored with that she tells me to “use your words”! Something we say when she’s being overly noisy! Scolded by a parrot! What has my life come to? Lol
  6. For bathing I have finally just accepted that the only way for her is the shower with me…lol…she runs around on the floor but will sit on her perch long enough to get wet.. only thing to watch out for is water temp… tried bigger bowls, pie pan, etc…nope just stares…will grab an ice cube when within reach..
  7. Debbie loves ice cubes! Will just sit and chew into pieces… wish it would entice her to bathe…it doesn’t…she only wants to bathe in her small water bowl…funny to watch her put one leg in at a time…and flap like crazy.. I have to be careful with ice cubes…she’ll eat at them till she gets what I call an “ice cream headache” fluffs up and shakes her head…but wants more…
  8. We’re troubled with the lack of qualified or at least experienced bird sitting/boarding…throwing them in a cage and changing food and water is NOT caring for a CAG! Even good friends have disappointed, sorry to say. Debbie travels and vacations with us…car trips only… stressful, yes….but better than being ignored (imho)…
  9. Debbie has slept in her big cage in the living room since we got her at 14 weeks, she’s now 5-1/2…we cover her….just something we started when we got her, as we do she heads for her favorite perch….won’t hear anything more from her until morning…
  10. So good to know that someone else is enduring the almost exact events...Debbie will at times fly directly at my wife, beak open! Then fly off laughing! Or come land on her arm sit for a bit, reach down nip, fly off and laugh...this just started...again...happened once before, then just quit...really no change in her environment or routine...actually travels well and adjusts to new environment when necessary. Hopefully it’s hormonal and will pass...most of the time she’s so sweet, but right now a bit unnerving.
  11. Just a normal playtime...it’s just another day of goofing off....like most days....but stuck in the house, it’s nasty outside..... 7123F0E3-6409-433C-8C66-87FB541FE6F8.MOV
  12. Thanks for the welcome and compliments on Debbie...believe me when I tell you, she is as comical as she is good looking...😎...
  13. We are thegars and we are a retired couple that have the extreme pleasure of sharing our home with Debbie a now 2 year old CAG...We got her when she was only 14 weeks old and a clumsy clown! Today she is a flighted chatterbox that never ceases to amaze us with her vocabulary and antics...
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