payoff all of my family's bills, buy us a house and a new car, invest about 200,000$ for when i get out of school and give the rest to my other family members. also i would give 10,000$ to breast cancer research.
ok i have made my decision to start off with something a little less demanding. after eading and researhing maybe a grey is not the best for me right now and like u said b4 Talon " i can always add a grey later when im ready. i was actually researching other african species like senegals. i heard that they are very good birds and that they love to play and they are quiet(with regular vocalizations that i am prepared to deal with) anybody here have experience with senegals.
wow....thats alot to take in. yes i understand the resposibilties and the sacrifices that come with owning a grey, but i am stuck now with ur advice and myself. i really and i do emphasize REALLY want a grey but now im not sure. my mom has a new work schedule which means she will be home 2 days out of everyweek not including weekends which she has off, so im thinking that maybe she cn chip in with care but all of this is a lot to take in. i think i will sleep on it.:ohmy:
B) ok, i really dont want to feel like im rushing into anything but i was just wondering where there are some good places to get a sweet handfed timneh grey. where did u get your greys. i want to investigate different breeders to make sure they are top quality nd their babies are healthy and socialized. leave any links please:blush:
oh...thx very much. my mom thinks im the 5 year old in the family and my sis(who is 5 i might add) is the teenager. what an attitude. i certainly think that u can be a kid for as long as u want as long as your a responsible one anyway thx for the complement. anyone else here haveany pointers for grey care or have any links.
thx very much and i already love this forum. the people here are so nice and they're greys are beautiful. i just wish i had one of my own. also i heard conure are very loud and i have ome what sensitive neighbors so i donot think conore are the best bet for me.:ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: Greyfeathers14, at: 2007/07/14 23:41
Actually the high school that im going to is a vet school that etaches students about animals and birds, ect. and also farming and mehanics. they allow people to bring animals in and the last wo years of high school count towards 2 years of college. i am also planning on going to cummings near where live. so i am planning on bring my bird to school with me.
:unsure: ok im getting a parrot and have had experience with budgies and cockatiels and many other small birds but its my 15th birdthday this year and i wanted to get a timneh grey from a breeder. but the thing is im starting high school this year and my school is in another town so i will have to leave maybe 6 in the morning and get back aroung 3 or 4. i am definetly willing to do everything to make a grey happy but i just feel bad about leaving one alone for most of the day and i don't want him to become neurotic. i will definetly have maybe 4 or 5 hours after i get home from schoool to spend with it but would a grey be ok with this much attention a day. i am very dedicated to my animals and would be willing to do anything to make one ok. so can anyone give me advice should i go grey to go with a smaller parrot instead that is more suited to my needs. please reply. i NEED advice!!!