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Everything posted by Joannie

  1. Lots of great information to explore! Thank you very much ,
  2. Hi, My African Grey Parrot Sammy is 34 years old. I have had him since he was 4 months old. His diet has consisted of Harrison's and ZuPreem pellets, fruits, vegetables, eggs, chicken, cheese and seeds & walnuts for treats. Sammy's diet has had a drastic change since this last March when he showed signs of nausea, low energy and very yellow droppings. His white face even had a tinge of yellow. Our veterinarian believes that Sammy has liver disease. He has been on 2 rounds of antibiotics and went through a 5 part series of X-rays with contrast. The tests showed some atherosclerosis and the liver was slightly enlarged and smooth in appearance. He no longer is given any animal protein, less fresh fruits & veggies, and his only treat with fat is a pinch of flax seeds. He now eats lots of Harrison's pellets. He drinks lots & lots of water. We encourage him to fly for us for some exercise. We bought the last bottle of Milk thistle/ dandelion detox for parrots from "Avitech". Sammy has been on 2 drops twice a day for about 3 weeks. He has improved, but is is still not himself. I wonder if Sammy will need this supplement long term. Does anyone have experience with a milk thistle product and dosage that can be recommended for birds since Avitech is no longer in production? Thank You, Joannie & Sammy Birdie p.s. I would especially love to hear from Greywings High Flyer
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