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Everything posted by Snow

  1. Thank you for sharing your story of Xena. She is an absolutely beautiful bird! I say "is" because my culture believes that we all go on to live in another world when we leave this one behind. I love knowing the my four legged and winged relatives are waiting for me and our reunion. We believe that the wind and the water lends themselves to all those gone and yet to come. Their voices send out their greetings to us in them. Those are the only words of comfort I know. I hope you find something in them to keep for yourself.
  2. Bless you bless you bless you for making his last six months on this good earth a happy and safe place! It's hard not to focus on our losses. I hope you now are able to celebrate his life and the time he spent in yours. Lovely story thank you for sharing it.
  3. What a beautiful story! I am native american and we treasure such stories you know. Of course our AG's aren't from around here and no such story exists in our accumulation of stories, so I am especially pleased to have read this one! Thank you again! Snow
  4. We call it "skronking" at our house. The dogs simply love it and Boo loves that they love it. He skronks to get the dogs to play with him. arggghhhhhh!
  5. Hello! Long time no see! I am sorry to report this but I am still in the BMC. Boo still bites me. He will often holler "no bite!" on his mad rush across the perches to get to me while change his seed dish. I am the fastest seed dish changer in the world now. A month ago Boo showed an interest in my grown nephew. He crawled up his leg to his lap where he listened and sat contentedly for 15 minutes. Then he got a look on his little head that I can't describe. He walked up the nephews arm with his little beady eyes fixed on his ear. yep, got there, latched on and didn't let go. To my nephews GREAT credit, he didn't move a muscle while sister went to his rescue. I offered him an earring. you know, to cover the wound.....
  6. "greyt advice" ! How cute! Our Mr. Boo does this with my sister too. He drops his wings, wags his tail, cheep-cheeps, regurgitates, starts huffing (sounds like an ashtma attack!) and rubs his beak on her. We try to change his mind as much as possible. If we can't derail his dance, then he goes back to the top of his house. It isn't slacking off a bit so far, and it's been a few months.... but I am learning that it takes a l-o-n-g time get thru to a grey! lol!
  7. Here's our two dogs. They are both half Border Collie. Tucker is half Australian Shep (has the brown markings) and Elvis is half Black Lab smooth coat (tuxedo). We also have a cat (Peeve) and CAG, Mr Boo. We call this pic The Bookend Buddies
  8. Boo is definitely a character. Everyone that meets him is fascinated with him because he talks so well. Today, we let him out of his house. He tried to find my sister so he was all over the main floor looking for her. He got scared in the kitchen for some reason and flew all the way to the living room to find me, climbed up on my leg, and stared at me. So I reached out to him and he said "No! Sit!" So I did. Then he climbed up on my lap and said, "It's o.k. Boo." and I reached to him to step up and he said, "No! Sit!" So I did. I started talking to him and he said, "Shuddup. No bite!" I felt like a bodyguard with no lovin'. Sister came in and got him and he let me stroke his back for a second and then said, 'No bite!' he is definitely a character, incredibly smart and knows a lot of his words' meanings and how to communicate with them. I love him a lot, but I carry the bruises, scabs and bite marks from it. oh well, love that dratted bird! lol!
  9. Boo hates showers and I was told several times that because of his preening powder, I don't have to do that too often. Boo takes a bath in his water bowl every two weeks on his own. He will say.. "takin' a shower" over and over while he bathes. Then he'll ask.."fray water? fray water?" That means "fresh water" So I get him his "fray water" and he does it again. It's a mess but if he's happy then I'm happy. and I have no clue where he picked up "fray".
  10. Thank you! You have totally relieved my mind! I was certain that if he didn't start eating those danged pellets that he'd die young! He gets a nice variety of greens, veggies, fruits and nuts. He also like oatmeal and occasionaly, a few cheerios. He loves cheese but I only let him have a tiny bit. He loves scrambled eggs hard boiled eggs. He gets those about once or twice a week. I have never given him flesh (other than my own). I didn't know he could have that! Thank you so much!!!!
  11. I got Mr. Boo in July and joined here. I had a question then about his not eating his pellets. I took everyone's advice and tried everything I was offered. He's STILL not eating his pellets. After a few days they end up in the bird feeder outside, where they are gobbled up! He's great about his veggies. He wasn't at first but continuing to provide them for him has given him a great variety of veggies and fruit diet that he now eats well. But no luck with pellets. I changed brands and did everything suggested. I know that it is important that he eat them, so now what? (Remember this started in July 07) Thanks in advance! Snow
  12. Hello all! I am still a member! yes, Mr. Boo STILL bites me. If my sister is nearby, he'll charge at me. If I try to change his seed and pellet dish, he charges at me. All other dishes are ok to change.. just not the pellet dish. I get bit about once every two or three weeks. The only thing I have learned is to be on guard and really fast. The only thing he has learned is to say "dammit Boo, don't bite me!" It's sad and sorry relationship we have if I don't have icecream.
  13. Boo calls the dogs. He starts off with "their" whistle then it goes on to their names, "Elvs (he has never learned to say Elvis properly) com'ere. Come on boy, Tucker... Elvs... come on, here boy." Then he proceeds to dish out his pellets to the boys. He will NOT eat his pellets even though I continue to give them to him. But the dogs seem to like them just fine.
  14. Good for you! Wow! That's a lot! Wishing you all the best! Snow
  15. I haven't been in for awhile but I thought I would check in today. yes... I am STILL a member of the Bite Me Club. Boo still tries to bite me. We are sticking to the regime though, of me being his sole feeder and waterer. When he sees me walk out of the kitchen he can't get to that side of the cage fast enough and he'll leave my sister to come all the way across the room to sit on my knee to share my ice cream - even though she has some too! But....... he still bites me or tries to bite me in regards to all other occasions. Except one... if he's scared or startled he will fly to me to pick him up or comfort him and even climb up on my hand or leg on his own. So unless it's safety or food.. he bites me. I am so jealous that sister gets his affection and gets to stroke him and play with his beak... and all that fun stuff. sigh... Even so, I still am in the throes of a 'fatal attraction' with him. My first and only unrequited love affair is with a bird. sheeesh.
  16. He is! I forgot to add the he also has learned to say this one this week. "Aflac!" My daughter is visiting from out of town and she has been talking with him... sigh... I think they are working on "Adios" now too.
  17. Blowing in his face was a reflex action. He ruffled up twice his size and attacked me thru the cage bars!!!!! I just kept blowing in his face until he quit. We had two major fights but I stuck with it and won. My sister had reservations about me doing that with "her" bird... Boo loves her so much! But it has worked and we are ALL happier. I think the tip ya'll gave me about being his food bringer was hugely instrumental in bringing him around. Coupling that with the blowing tactics, establishing me as his superior, has made the big change. Tomorrow... I MIGHT try to give him a petting or scratch on the head like I used to. I MIGHT.... lol! Thanks for ya'lls help here! Snow
  18. well, I am not an experienced Gray owner but I was a parrot breeder before.. I believe that it's like anything else.. don't feed in excess of anything! Our birds, and now our Grey, gets some peanuts but they are limited to just a few a week. But then, I don't feed him anything excessively and his diet is wide ranging. I still can't get him to do more than nibble once in a great while on pellets though. I finally decided he might know something I don't so we are trying a new brand today.
  19. Snow


    I make a tablespoon of oatmeal for Boo about 3 times a week or so. But he doesn't like his veggies cold.. so I rinse them in hot water to take the chill off. Sometimes he gets cooked ones. Depends on what's handy and what he had yesterday. I try to give him a variety.
  20. I just loved reading this thread! Mr. Boo is 7 and talks a lot. I can't even write here all the things he says! 1.Puppy whine 2.Hello bird 3.It's o.k. Boo 4.Calls the dogs by name.. Elvis...Tucker 5.Come ere! 6.Does part of the Cops Theme..."Bad bird, bad bird, whatcha gonna do" 7.Says "Helloooo!" like you are a long lost loved one! 8.No! (in combination with other words and alone) 9.Get down 10.get outta there! 11.Step away from the cage. 12.bomb drop whistle with a splat sound at the end 13. mimics phone calls "hello? oh, o.k. Sure. I can do that. No problem. whaaa? Really? oh my god! No.. that's fine. o.k. sure. Call me on my cell. (laughs) really? .. oh you are silly! ok. call me later. bye .... (beep)" 14. I love you 15. Wanna go outside? 16. Wanna go potty? 17. Wanna take a shower? 18. Peek a boo! (3 different ways) 19. Here boy! 20. meow like cat 21. the bird, the bird, the bird.... YOU the BIRD! 22. truck back up alarm (doot doot doot) 23. Creaking cabinet door 24. water drip 26. triple knock sound 27. whistles up the dogs 28. wolf whistle 29. whistle's part of "hail to the chief" 30. Trilling whistle 31. Robin song 32. Cardinal's song 33. Sparrow cheep 34. An annoying metalic chinking sound 35. A horrifying "squarking" sound 36. Stop that 37. ElvIS! No barking 38. Tucker! Get outta the kitchen! 39. Go lay down now 40. night night 41. Time to go to bed coooo coooo 42. whippoorwill whistle 43. wanna get out? 44. yummmy yummy! 45. Bless you 46. Horrible coughing (daughter was sick) 47. sneezing... 48. bless you! 49. a messed up version of "geh zoont hite" 50. Not right now Boo and that's all I can think of for the moment.
  21. I have entered a new record. Mr.Boo has not bitten me for over 2 weeks now. I took some advice handed out here and now I am the only one that tends to his food and water needs, including the treats. Also... someone said to tap his beak when he bites and reinforce the word "No" since he already knows what the means. However, I was already concerned about pulling back a stump so I didn't do that. The last few times he bit or tried to bite me I blew in his face! The first couple of times he snorted and ruffled up and struck at my hand again. The last two times I blew at him for trying to mangle me he fluffed up, said "No Boo" and walked away. So... blowing in his face worked for me. But.... we have seen a huge change in his temperment when he sees me now too. He is beginning to like me again! He KNOWS I am the bringer of food and water and treats! He even sent me a friendly ruffled kiss this morning! There is hope. Snow
  22. omg, this is so awful! I do hope this horrible accident helps others safeguard their loved ones. We often accept our critters as regular family members and forget the differences in our reactions and responses.
  23. wow. I am sorry to say but I have to agree about keeping a distance between the bird and the baby. Two year olds are as unpredictable as they come. Poor kid and poor bird.. maybe in another year or two they can make better friends.
  24. I appreciate everyone's help here. Boo is still not eating his pellets. Oh.. an my scale does go down to grams! yay! Sister is going to weigh him tonight. He bites me. Lately he has not been eating much. And I have learned that he is roosting in his feed dish. That means poo in his food. so the first thing I have to do every morning is fight him for the dish. He bites me. I am giving him a variety of foods as mentioned and he has begun throwing his food on the floor. He is only eating what I hand feed him (not much.. did I mention that he bites me?) and what my sister feeds him. now what?
  25. We had to take that into consideration too when we accepted Boo into our home. He is only 7 and sister and I are about 50. My daughter will inherit him. (and now that she knows that, she can't wait for us to die) LOL!
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