Yes an avian vet did a full blood workup less than a month ago.I googled some other unfo. that suggests that temp changes can cause some downy shedding. I am not saying this absolutely is it, but certainly might be, we dropped about 17 degrees in temp within the course of two weeks.My vet said she has had this occur in other patients due to temp changes... (changes in humidity etc:) The vet said that for her age it is totally normal also to just have some downy feather loss as new feathers grow i,n. She said having just had the workup, and no other symptoms of any kind that I should just watch for any changes in any other areas, and keep watch on her weight, eating habits etc: I called today to speak with her, as being a relatively new mom to Zuri- I worry... Its like having an infant all over again! Thank you for your input!