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Everything posted by Summertime

  1. I didn't know where to post this, I've never posted here as I'm new to this Hello, I'm new here but I'm eager to learn! So, My mum has a friend who has a Congo African Grey Parrot called Tico. Tico is her husbands bird until he passes. Once her husband passes she will need my help with getting Tico out of his cage and into his travel carrier and take him home with me as my bird. Tico would be my first bird and I want to do the right thing for Tico. She originally asked for my help to bring Tico to the bird rescue I volunteer at sometimes but even though I've never had a bird I feel taking him to the bird rescue wouldn't be in Tico's best interest since most of the exotics (especially the Macaws, Cockatoos and Amazons and other large birds) get bounced from home then back to the rescue then to home then back to the rescue and so on. I am currently 21, live with my mum and fiance and I don't go to school but do plan to do school online but I have plenty of time and patience for working with Tico to give him the attention and care he needs. I am much more comfortable with and do best with larger birds and I have some experience with handling Macaws, Cockatoos and Amazons. Ones that have temperament problems and that has a tendency to bite and do things their not supposed to do. I've been Biten, I've been lunged at, I've been grabbed by beaks and nails and more. But after having patience and time working with each bird that has done that to me has an Amazing reward, having a newly affectionate gentle bird was so worth it. With what I understand with Tico, he does have a problem with biting and doesn't get out of his cage much because of that and needs more socializing with being touched and brought out and a few other thing. From with what I said, does it seem as though Tico would have a better life with me? Somebody who has the time and patience to work with him and care for him and give him the attention he needs? VS having to spend most of his life in a cage in a loud room with a lot of other birds with temperament and behavioral problems? I kind of know the answer but I REALLY want to make sure it's the best thing for Tico. I'm trying to think about his well being and quality of life above what I want. I just want what's best for Tico.
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