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  1. mandiskem


    How can I forget the forum after last post was 9 years ago
  2. deffo be glad to be back
  3. hello everyone ,have you missed me im back now with more time on my hands. we have a new addition to the family a 41 year old african grey named sam she loves budddy not lol she tells buddy to shut up etc etc she has never been handled but she lets you stroke her head. i have been busy doin rescues left right and centre. so now i am all yours.
  4. well at least i know that he wont be laying eggs but i now got to find a female 4 him as the humping the door handle is becoming quite a pain in the bum
  5. hi all just to let you all know buddys results come back hes a male
  6. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v283/mandiskem/?action=view&current=Picture020.jpg
  7. no eggs yet he is gonna be 4 in january so cud be anytime
  8. hello all im back , been away from here for far too long after battling with my health i should be back on track now . buddy is goin to be dna sexed very soon as he is acting very weird. a couple of months ago i had to clip buddys wings because he was chewing my coving off the ceiling and i had to ip it down and re decorate. now hes flying again he flys onto the door handle and trys to hump his shadow.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/14 19:59
  9. this is my dog sam with glasses on .
  10. mandiskem


    yes been along time gone im glad to be bk
  11. mandiskem


    hes doin fine just sitting on my shoulder doin all the silly noises like he use to do i had a female friend come to sort him out while i been gone shes done a great job of looking after him
  12. mandiskem


    guess whos home after 3 months in hospital yes its me mandi they finally let me home. to bond bk with buddy hes missed me alot.
  13. mandiskem


    hi all just to let you know mandi is back in hospital again. she had to give up her parrot training job as she had a fall on jan 8th and still in there. buddy and basil both fine same as the dogs and im just bearing up under the strain. she will be in there for a few more days but mandi hopes sooner than the hospital thinks. buddy is now 3 and still swearing and bein a little so and so to me. however mandi and i are having to move from the house as mandi cant get upstairs and need a more suitable place that will help her she sends each and everyone her love and she is sorry she has not been on to talk to any of you. bye for now steve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. took in the uk while on holiday in wales september 2007
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