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Everything posted by bigtiny50

  1. This morning during my play time with my grey the dogs started barking and she got scared and flew into a glass door. When I got to her she was standing on the floor and when I picked her up it was like nothing happened, she flipped upside down (she loves this trick) and I just put her in the cage. I am just worried that something might have happened to her. She seemed fine, eating and talking and no blood anywhere but I just want to make sure she is not injured. Is there something I should be looking for? Can anyone help me to make sure she is really OK??? This is my first grey. Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. My grey is on the Zupree food b/c that is what the previous owner was feeding her. I always thought natural seeds and fruits were healthier but I have tried giving her some fruits and vegatables on the side and some peanuts also. How much vegetables and fruits should she eat in a day? I do not want to over do it. Thanks in advance!!! By the way Tootie loves jalapenos...
  3. How does the bird sitter DVD work??? Do they actually learn things from this DVD?
  4. Thank you all. You made me feel better about the name. I am going soon to the vet to confirm her sex and to check her up. If the vet says she is a he I think I will still keep the name b/c I do not want to confuse her. I just found out that my neighbor has one also and was asking me about breeding them. How does this work and should I even consider it?
  5. I appreciate the welcome. Her name is Tootie. I did not think it was a good idea to change the name so I am staying with Tootie.
  6. That is hilarious...Yea I just do not want her to get bored since she is getting used to a new environment. I love this bird she is great so far and does so many things.
  7. I just got my grey and was curious to know if it was a good idea to leave a radio or TV on while I am away from the home??? I just got her on Saturday so any helpful hints would be great. Thanks!!!
  8. My friend just gave me my new best friend. I have been looking into getting a grey for a long time since I have many other birds (4 cockatiels, 17 parakeets and 2 love birds) and my friend was getting rid of his grey b/c he was not spending enough time with her. We think she is about 8 years old and I was curious to know if greys can learn to speak their whole life or only when they are young? She speaks plenty now but I want to teach her more things. She is very playful and loves hanging from my hand and is a great bird. I just got her on Saturday and love it so far. Is there anything else I should know or do???
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