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  1. pretty much, i had a very bad breeder that bad instructions. Now everything is much better I have a much happier bird. Part of it was also i am just an newby with birds. Anyway all is well. Thanks for all the advise.
  2. thanks for all the advise. There was a cancellation at the vet sooo now i get to go today!! yea, im excited. amanda
  3. My 2 month old grey i brought home 5 days ago has some weird behavior. I have just learned that is bad to buy an unweened bird but now i have the bird and no experience what so ever. I have read and read but still have questions. My bird will be on the floor playing and just lay on its side and ball up one foot for a while. The one foot seems to ball up a lot. Also the breeder said to wean the bird at 4 or 5 months but now i have read that i should already be giving some food. When are they strong enought to have seeds and pellets and ec.t My vet visit is friday but i am a nervous wreck scared to death im going to kill the bird or not notice its sick. Where do you buy scales and how much do they run. My bird also shakes after every feeding. She eats 2 ounces of formula in 2 minutes.(and always still seems starving, is that enough) I make sure the formula is warm but it never fails she shakes and i will get the heating blanket out. Also how long do you use the heating blanket. when do they produce enough heat for themselves. They answeres are in no book. I have a big huge cage for her. I let her play in it but should she sleep in it too. It looks like it would hurt her feet so i put puppy pads down when she plays but i would like to just let her in with nothing. Sorry i have soooo many questions i am just freaking out and not finding answeres anywhere in books or online. My breeder also has giving me tons of false info so i cant trust her either. I am hugely attached to this bird Anybody with advise i would greatly appreciate.
  4. amanda


    thanks,, I brought the bird home and all is well i will take it to the vet on Wednesday.
  5. i agree also that is soooo sad.
  6. amanda


    the seller has tons of birds in her home and is realllly good to them. I trust them to be healthy but no warranty on a 1000 dollar bird is scary
  7. amanda


    i am about to get a african gray and it will by my first bird and its a chick. The seller is offering no warranty and no shots. are they suppose to have shots
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