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Aliceinlove last won the day on July 30 2018

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  1. When he spreads his wings all the middle feather arw gone.some broke.
  2. So the woman told me she had to re-home him because her dog was being aggressive to him. Last night Diego tried to fly and he couldn't. His wings were very messed up.
  3. Thank you for the advice! He did step up last night. Even climbed up my husbands pants legs to get onto his shoulder. Don't worry, I used the bleach outside then sprayed off the cage really well. The cage was that dirty! I didn't even want it in the house. He is still trying to only eat peanuts and sunflower seeds. Adding in veggies but he is scared of them, even when they are in small peices.
  4. Here is Diego, I'll post more pictures soon. He is doing well. He he gets off his cage and follows us around still. Today he acted like he wanted to step up onto my hand while he was on the floor. But he didn't quite go all the way. He hasn't really talked anymore, just lots of noises and laughs. I'm not sure if he really talks or not. Which I don't care either way. He seems like a very sweet guy so praying he is. He is a little clown. If we don't pay attention he will knock on his cage, pick up and drop his bowl and swing around all silly.
  5. Hi guys, I hope this thread belongs here. I adopted an African grey last night. He's 10 years old and his name is Diego. I was looking on craigslist for a bird cage, planned on getting a Quaker soon, and there in the ads was an African grey for $550. Call me crazy but that was my dream bird and I took the chance and emailed the seller. She said he was being bullied by the family dog and he needed a new home. Me and my husband knew that we were taking a chance but we went and met him. She brought him in a tiny cat carrier, he had to bend over in it. He smelled so bad of cigarette smoke and his cage was so dirty. I couldn't leave him. She handed me his food, which was a Tupperware container containing a mix of seed, what looked like cat food, and salted peanuts. We took him home and bleached and scrubbed his cage. We threw away all his toys that could have held cigarette residue and went and bought him new ones. Also bought him new food. After setting all this up we put him in his cage and talked to him. He whistled and made all kinds of noises and danced. I went to do some work in the office and my husband went to take a shower. My kids start laughing and upon checking, Diego is off his cage wandering around the living room calling out in a microwave beep. So I go in the bathroom and tell my husband that I think Diego is looking for him. My husband calls him and Diego goes in to the bathroom and waits for my husband until he is done in the shower. Anytime he leaves the room Diego beeps at him like a microwave. This morning Diego was talking to me, but so softly I couldn't make out what he was saying. But that's my story of finding Diego. Any advice? I'm scared of his beak and have been using a small dowel rod my husband cut to have him step up with to put him back in his cage. He doesn't like it at all. I do plan on getting him to the avian vet soon to make sure he is ok from all the smoke and salt. The closest one in in St. Louis though, we are in the country. That's a few hours away. Can I take him to the regular vet? His claws are so long they are curling back. Thank you all for any and all advice or how to's or anything you've got for me.
  6. Newbie here! I just adopted a new grey last night.
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