Hello everyone!!
my baby grey is 9 months old now, and I’ve noticed that he’s had a couple droppings that resemble diarrhea, and one today had a bubble in it.
Majority of his droppings are normal!
And i have read and re read all the poopology charts etc. But can certain foods be causing this?! His weight hasn’t changed, he talks up a storm and still himself otherwise.
Hi everyone!!
My male TAG Tau is almost 8 months.. I know that around this age they can go through their “baby Molt” he’s loosing down feathers like crazy but I’ve been finding the odd feather in his cage while cleaning for the last few weeks.. worried he may have started plucking..ive included pictures and thought I’d ask for opinions!
Unfortunately Miss Aura passed away yesterday.
she went in for further testing and died in the vets office. They are suspecting she wouldn’t have made it through the week & that she was born with some kind of disease causing her to fill up with this fluid.
My heart is so broken and heavy today. 💔 I did everything I could to save my baby.
The worst possible news guys. Aura is filling with fluid and requires a lot of testing I’ve started a fundraiser she desperately needs help
Hey everyone, I started a fundraising campaign for Aura needs help. Please tap to donate- gf.me/u/hw9vfw