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Joey's Sister

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  1. I gave her half with the shell on last night, she ate all of the egg and most of the shell. She seemed to really enjoy it I'll give her the other half tonight.
  2. It's ok haha I have actually been meaning to try her with boiled egg. She loves toast dipped in yolk in the morning.
  3. Well, there has been a development. She ate the egg! I'm thinking this will replace any nutrients she may have lost. We have replaced it with a fake one for now - my father has bred birds in the past and apparently this is good practice. She was her usual quirky self last night although a little moody with me, not surprisingly if she is nesting. When I left this morning she was on the bottom of the cage again so I think she'll most likely lay again today. Thanks for the replies guys!
  4. Hello everyone I'm new to this site, I re homed my 17 year old CAG in August 2017 and I'm enjoying every moment of caring for her. She seemed very ill last night and I was very concerned. She was on the bottom of her cage and would not get up. She seemed to be straining and making croaky squawking noises. All of a sudden an egg appeared much to my relief and surprise! She seems to have bonded with my father and displays mating behavior when interacting with him - which I've tried to discourage but he is a 'bird man' and so 'he knows best'. I wonder if this is why she has went into laying mode? I'm in touch with the previous owner still and she has never done this before. Any advice would be gratefully received! Thank you Leanne
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