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  1. who is cd and where can i find him. i am eager to enhance the flock but at a cost that wont kill us
  2. i am in the ny area. actually tri state would describe it better. i am dying for a new bird, but like i said, i am not rich and with the cost of a cage and toys for a larger bird than i have (i have a quaker) i just cant see it happening right now. cant wait til i can afford one!
  3. i am convinced by everyones passion of greys to get one, but when i price them in stores they are from $1200 to $1500. i am not prepared to pay such a high price for a bird even tho i know he/she will be with me for years. you have to consider the cage and toys and it comes to just under $2000. i would love to have a baby grey, but cant afford the prices in pet shops. does anyone have any advice
  4. if you look at your bird closely you will see how much they resemble dinasaurs. they also share a latin nam psticulla Spelling
  5. i just want to thank everyone for their warm welcome. i look forward to browsing your pics and videos of your beautiful companions. look forward to hear the good bad and ugly so when my son goes off to college, hopefully in january, i can get ready to replace him. just dont tell my son that. haha.. thanks again guys, you seem like a great bunch.
  6. yes, my quaker is just a two year old himself. i love how intelligent they are. not just greys or quakers, but all birds. why do we spend so much money searching for life on other planets, when we have such a huge mystery right here on earth?
  7. thanks, i appreciate the advice. i know someone who weaned his grey and it bites everyone except him. i dont feel this is normal behavior. i read that it is almost impossible to find a wild caught congo that presents with self destructive behavior. it is thought that they are being taken from the nursery situation too soon. timnehs talk when they are six months old, so it is thought that they dont present with problems because they are well weaned. i dont think an owner should wean a bird. we want to be their companions, not their parents. thanks again.
  8. i am thinking of adding another bird to my flock and was wondering if a grey is what i should get. i have a quaker parrot who is almost 1 1/2 and he is just the sweetest thing. i dont want to upset the apple cart, but have always wanted a grey. have been reading that maybe some of their self destructive behaviors stem from being taken from a nursery situation too soon. they dont speak until they are at least a year and it is now thought that maybe they are being taken from a nanny type situation too soon. any thoughts on this?
  9. i agree with that because i have a cat a dog and the bird. he is a cocky lil quaker and is quite a jumper. would hate to see what havoc he would create if he could fly:laugh:
  10. i agree with that because i have a cat a dog and the bird. he is a cocky lil quaker and is quite a jumper. would hate to see what havoc he would create if he could fly:laugh:
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