So we got our boy Tsapa, a CAG, a week ago. We dreamed of having a grey for a long time, prepared the best we could and read everything out there on the internets. However, as it came down to practice, I am LOST.
First confusion is the age of out boy. Breeder said hatch date was May 24th... bird store owner looked at the pic and said that there's no way this baby is less than 2.5 months old because they are not even weaned at this point. Tsapa was weaned a week before we took him (according to the breeder). How old do you think he is?
Second concern... he eats A LOT. First few days he ate not that much and I, having no idea how much they are supposed to eat, thought it was the norm. In the past couple of days he eats about half of his awake time. He eats pellets very slowly, chewing for a long time and leaving most of the pellets in crumbles. Doesn't touch the crumbles. I am thinking of saving them and making birdie bread or something. Today he ate: about 2-3 tablespoons of pellets (hard to estimate). 1/4 of sweet potato, 3 grapes, a dozen sunflower seeds or so (for training), quite a bit of oatmeal (LOVES it) and 1/4 of a pear. He just eats all the time. Is this normal? He poops A LOT too, huge droppings, the morning one was the size my cats make. He poops every 15 minutes or so.
Third concern: Step Up. He is a very very smart boy apparently, it took him just a couple times to realize that when he steps up he gets a treat (sunflower seed). So now he ONLY steps up if I show him the seed first. If he doesn't see the seed, he won't step up, unless he is anxious to get somewhere, like the sofa. Is this normal? Should I keep trading seeds for step ups?
I think that's it that worries me... otherwise we're good. He is a curious baby and very smart. He nipped badly first couple of days, but stopped nearly completely. He sometimes asks for head scratch by extending his neck and looking down. He doesn't mind being touched and petted, but tries to step away unless he demands head scratch himself. He likes to sit of the sofa with us at night, falls asleep on my lap and even slept on his back on the sofa yesterday.
We have an appointment with avian certified vet on the 14th to do a complete health check up with all the tests. Will have to drive 2 hours, but I think it's worth it.
Thank you in advance. Any advice you could give to a new parrot owner is greatly, greatly appreciated.