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About Mathews

  • Birthday 07/30/1965


  • Location
    Fort Worth, Texas

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Maybe this will help. Is that the telltell "V" in her gray feathers?
  2. SterlingSL, you might be correct. She might just be a timneh with brighter tail feathers and a darker beak. As soon as we have her weighed I'll post the weight.
  3. Giannine, thank you. I saw one that looks like her at a bird dealer called "The Bird Man' over the weekend. He sells birds at a local market on the weekends. That birds tail was brighter red than Maggies. So I asked about the bird. He said it's a congo and I asked why it was so dark gray in color. He said it's because it's a male congo and they are darker than the females. Is there any truth to that? Are the male congos typically darker than the females? That bird was the same color as Maggie - just as dark in it's dark feathers.
  4. Katana600, thank you for all of that. After hearing Miss Gilberts story I think a DNA is definitely in order. And thanks again for the warm welcome!
  5. Murfchck, thank you. We know not to see Dr. Moore. The flash on my camera wasn't on when I took these pictures, however there was sunlight coming through the window behind me, which was in front of her. She does have a small area on her beak which is lighter than the rest of it, but it's far from being blonde. And yes the woman said she got her from Russell feed on 199. I didn't know that about the owner, but explains why they have birds there. Thank for the input and help! I'll be watching for your posts concerning future vet visits.
  6. Thank you for the welcome, Inara. The votes seem to be split. HRH's beak is definitely a lot lighter in color than Maggie's. And HRH's tail feathers are much darker. This may always be a mystery, but whatever she is, we love her
  7. Thank you, Greywings. She is a wonderful bird, whatever she is
  8. Thank you, Giannine. The article talks about the CAGs having a white scalloping on their dark feathers. I'll post a close up. Maggies feathers have the scalloping. Is it possible she is actually a male CAG? I suppose getting a dna test at the vet would help. I'm curious what the vet will think concerning what she truly is also. You seem to be of the same belief as myself in that she is most likely truly a timneh. Thanks for the link!
  9. Thank you, BaileysPapa!. She certainly makes it hard to believe without a doubt that she's a timneh.
  10. Thanks, katana600! Whichever she is, we already love her! She is so sweet and loving. Thanks you for the welcome
  11. luvparrots, thank you. She IS a sweetie. SterlingSl, thank you for the avian vet input! We needed that. We will call them this week and set an appointment.
  12. Thanks, SterlingSL. I'm not sure what she weighs. We haven't taken her to the vet yet. That should happen this week, after we locate a good avian vet. I really think she is indeed a timneh, but with a darker beak than others. And possibly brighter tail feathers than most.
  13. Hi. My name is Jeff. My wife, Jennifer, and I had been considering the idea of bringing a parrot companion into our home for a while. After studying several species, we concluded that the grey was the one for us. So, the search was on. We looked at different pet shops local to us, searched breeders online and kept our eyes peeled on Craigslist. We finally discovered Maggie. She belonged to lady who owned Maggie as well as a macaw. The two birds didn't get along. So, she needed to find Maggie a new home. Instead of asking us to come and meet Maggie at her home, she asked if she could come to our home to see if she would approve of us to be the ones who she would trust as Maggies forever home. She said she had already turned down near 40 people because she didn't feel like Maggie would be loved or taken care of properly. Well, she did approve of us as Maggies new forever family. And we are ecstatic about it! The lady told us that she acquired Maggie from a feed store which sometimes has parrots for sale. I know this particular store and know they do carry birds, because it's the same feed store that I always used to buy hay, horse grain and some tack from for my horses. I never saw anything like a grey there though. They usually had parakeets, cockatiels and an occasional Amazon or conure. She said Maggie was hatched April 23rd of 2015. And that she got her from there in October. The second day we had Maggie I noticed that she didn't have a ring on her leg. I contacted the lady and asked if she knew why. She said the feed store didn't do it and that she herself never worried about losing her, so she didn't either. Maggie is supposed to be a timneh. And at first I didn't question it, but now I'm starting to wonder if she is or is not a timneh. I'll let you all help decide the question, if pictures of her would help. Her tail feathers are darker than congos that I've seen, but they aren't much darker. And her beak is definitely darker than the timnehs I've seen, however there is one spot on it which is lighter than the rest of it. I'm "fairly" certain she's a timneh, but would feel better about that after hearing from you experts. We look forward to spending time on here, learning and reading. Thank you.
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