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Everything posted by Mark527

  1. Thanks Acappla everyday there's progress and Ed is becoming more and more comfortable everyday
  2. Thanks Katana for the advice! The last 2 days where so good with Ed he keeps on making noises in front of us like whistling and he does lots of cat and dog sounds but no talking, he didn't do that before and he's becoming more and more comfortable every day he never ate in front of us now he does almost everything like playing around the cage and today was the first time he didn't get scared while i was refilling his food and water. Another thing is that i feed him food especially for parrots and he really really like them he finishes all of them in a day so he's eating alot there's a big difference on day 1 he was so thin now he became healthy and eating ALOT is that a bad thing? All n all the growling is still happening whenever someone comes closer to him but his growling isn't like before its not loud as last week so everything is becoming better and i hope soon enough when the growling 100% stops I'll try to give him treats from my hand so he knows that i wanna take care of him and love him =) thanks everyone
  3. Thanks for the great advice Katana and my parrots name is Ed =)
  4. Judygram okay =) will do thanks
  5. Okay Dave thanks for the advice
  6. Thanks Acappella im going to do as you said and i really hope it works with my grey hopefully because she's really really scared
  7. That's really nice.. i hope i can do this one day too... it's been 10 days and whenever someone gets closer to her she starts growling with a very loud sound ... i can't even get 1m close to her without her growling and having a hurricane in her cage... I'm doing everything to make her feel safe but she won't stop growling.. when im putting for her food she growls she basically growls at anything that gets near her... it's been 10 days and the growling hadn't even begin to stop...
  8. Yep I'm gonna be patient and I'm doing my best to keep her happy and not afraid =)
  9. Timber seems to be really cute =) my bird is next to now in its cage eating and making like the cat sound when it 'meow' today is the first fay she plays in front of me and starts to play around the cage i hope one day i will come closer and she want growl i really want it to enjoy the time outside the cage too3 =)
  10. Thanks Timbersmom i hope by time my parrot will be better God bless
  11. Thanks yes i will be patient and im sure my grey will be friendly and won't be scared anymore .
  12. Thanks Dave i will be doing this today and will tell you what happens; ) she's starting to eat and drink in front of me without being so scared she didn't used to do that and now when she growls her growls would sound softer than before so there's some progress*. I think my CAG is an old one i heard people saying you can tell from the eye color around the pupil and it's white with a bit of yellow, does age effect the trust process? And btw when someone's near her she makes a clicking sound i don't know how but i think it's with her tongue, so let's say your infront of her she bends down while scared looks in a straight forward position and a sound come like "TICK" Thanks Dave*
  13. Thanks Alex =) and yeah I'll give it as much time as it needs
  14. Thanks very much =) ur birds are so cute!
  15. Thanks for the help Dave =)
  16. Hello guys ^^ I'm new here and i really need some help... So I got this new African grey from a pet store that was closing because he was traveling and not returning. The problem with my new cag is that i don't know how old is he/she i don't know what's it's gender and i don't know what's it's been through... it's been exactly 7 days since i got it and we're all happy and exited because me and my family really love animals and especially birds. Another problem that's really disappointing me is that we have to keep it in a cage because if we even come near it, it starts to growl like a dog and if someone touches it's cage it becomes really angry and starts to rage in its cage which might cause it to hurt itself =( and i don't want that to happen... I really want it to stop growling so i can interact with it and make it feel safe and loved. Thanks everyone! =)
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