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Everything posted by benjaminjayb

  1. Afternoon Sterling, Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. Yea, we're targeting a 2 to 3 year time frame for a house either in Green Valley or Summerlin, Las Vegas. Really a function of savings post-twins, as I really want a bigger piece of initial equity in the home. Firm believer of the older generation mindset when it comes to buying homes. Yea, Yuki is a bit more rare because of his color. Our local parrot shops always say the same thing... "Wow, beautiful coloring" or "Wow, never seen his color before." I was thinking about a temporary place for him, but it would really come down to our network of family/friends, and unfortunately we haven't any who are experience bird owners. I'd probably consider something like a temporary foster though... actually not a bad idea at all... I'll mention it to my wife. - Benjamin
  2. Here's another picture to enjoy. Yuki typically stays on his gym while we're here, just depends on what we're doing. I built this for him earlier this year after we moved to Vegas from CT:
  3. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. Truly appreciate you taking the time to reply, rather we truly appreciate! It's one of the toughest decisions we've ever had to make, because Yuki truly is a gem of a bird. He's super loving, and we've trained him to enjoy cuddle time. But ultimately twins are coming, and our OBGYN recommended we not have a bird in such a small environment. We do still live in an apartment, and while a home is in the near future (2-3 years out), it's simply too long with two newborns coming our way. He's such a great little guy though... which is why I'd love to find an experienced bird owner for him, someone who truly loves little birds with big personalities. I've added a picture of him to my first post as well. I'll start looking across other forum communities as well today. Again any interest, please never hesitate to write at benjamin.berenson@gmail.com or reply. - Benjamin
  4. Good Evening Grey Community: I'm not 100% if this is acceptable seeing these are the "grey forums", but my wife and I are looking to find our little Green Cheek Conure a new home by year-end. He's a darling 5-6 year old, but unfortunately we can't keep him because we're expecting twins early next year. Obviously the news of having twins is VERY exciting for us and it is very difficult letting go of Yuki, but ultimately we're looking to spend Oct-Dec finding him the "right" home. I've heard great things about the Grey Forums, particularly related to knowledge and passion within. So here goes... is anyone interested in adopting Yuki, our 5-6 year old Green Cheek Conure? We're based in Summer, Las Vegas, NV, and are willing to ship him to the "right" home anywhere across North America. We have his hatch paperwork, veterinary documents, and of course are willing to get him checked one last time prior to departure (clean bill of health). If anyone is interested, by all means reply, PM, or email me directly at benjamin.berenson@gmail.com. Thanks a bunch everyone! Hopefully this stirs some interest. Benjamin PS: Quick pic below... I'll try to find a better one later today after work!
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