Hello I know this is so off topic but I've been looking for the perfect baby for some time now then I stumbled upon this breeder/bird lady that's hella old but has been in this business for 30 plus years so I'm comfortable with her and she has three African greys that need to be rehomed!!! I'm sorry but I feel compelled to give a perfectly good healthy bird a home they almost have a soft spot in my heart for them!!! Anyway one is a female owned female tag red factor. She beautiful she stepped up on me right away first. Then when she was in her cage she started screaming at me but in a neutral area she hung out with me what seemed reluctantly she flew away a couple times and tried to go with the lady and a toy. The other two Congo boys were very receptive to me. One was mimicking me and he was man raised. The other plucker was female raised and was whistling at me every time I turned around to talk to another bird it's like both boys had me bouncing back and forth every time I turned to one the other would talk to get my attention. The plucker almost let me scratch him and the talkative one seemed to want to step up on me from the cage. Before I left I was talking to the girl and she was like yawning and stretching her neck out looking at me and like making cooing noises. From what I describe what do you think would be a good fit for me The lady seems to think they'll be fine all of them came from her originally and there all about ten to fourteen years old. What do you guys think???