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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    This Group

    Well thanks Muse, we like to think so. We don't let flamers stay too long when and if it happens.
  2. Unfortunately, plucking starts for no seeming reason. We all, I would think, look inwards at what did we do to cause the behavior. Many times, it is not the bird owner, it is the bird. This is well documented and even the best avian vets in the world admits it is sometimes a mental idiosyncrasy that happens in captivity and cannot be overcome. Even with that data, us loving bird owners will always keep trying to help in any way we can to stop it or at least slow it down until our last dying breath. Yet, no matter what, we still love them just as much regardless and treat them as if their is no imperfection, just as we handicapped children that will remain that way the rest of their lives. You never know, sometimes a breakthrough is made years down the road that helps. The bottom line is hope never fails, we have noting else to hang on to in my opinion. But, yes we all beat ourselves up at times thinking "What if?......".
  3. Peck may not like the vet visit (What bird does?), but when he can walk normally and probably not have some pain form it, he will be a happy camper in that department. He'll get over it. Hoping it all goes without the vet losing an eye and maybe a digit or two.
  4. What a wonderful update. Inara is making progress by leaps and bounds. I truly enjoyed reading this. Thanks for posting it.
  5. Dee gave a GreYt response. Nancy - No one can control if a bird starts plucking and it has nothing to do with rescues. All they can do is try as hard as they can to figure why it started, check on any underlying health issues and lastly do everything in the world to help stop it. That is exactly what Stephen has done. in my opinion, you are living in a fantasy world based on your comments.
  6. I can only imagine your feelings Stephen. However, the over powering feeling is that is love for Isaac as you have always had. He is looking better each update you post. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. Very cool! Dayo does not make up words. He only makes up his own phrases at times.
  8. Wow, congrats! Those first words are always thrilling.
  9. What a wonderful update! Peck seems very relaxed to me and is certainly checking out the new digs. He seems very comfortable and inquisitive in that video. The interaction with your whistle was great. Thanks so much for sharing all this. It was going to be a real treat to watch this progress.
  10. danmcq


    Should be there by now. I know you don't have anything else to do except post the homecoming photos and keep updating us. Sitting in anticipation.
  11. LOL - Typical grey eating habits. Thanks for sharing this.
  12. Nice photo of one soaked grey. I can only say Awwwwwwwww, how peaceful peanut seems. Thanks for sharing this.
  13. danmcq


    Thanks for the photos of him. He seems to be ready to rip the camera to shreds based on his body language. He is beautiful.
  14. Sounds like a wonderful shower and oatmeal day you two shared. I'll bet you were beaming.
  15. Happy B-Day Nala. I have no doubt you were spoiled rotten.
  16. Impressive chat session! Thanks for sharing this.
  17. danmcq


    Best of luck to you and Megan on this. I hope all will hit it off and enjoy each other over time. Let them introduce themselves after they have scoped each other out for a while on their terms. I am looking forward to hearing updates on this and of course seeing photos.
  18. What a wonderful video journal with snapshots over the first year. I enjoyed it all and my favorite was of Sully and dog beside were running as fast as he could to get to the stairs where you were. Priceless!
  19. I totally enjoyed this video of Talon! Thanks for sharing it.
  20. What a nice photo of her. She is looking good and fairly comfortable in that photo. She is indeed going through positive changes it seems to me.
  21. It certainly does sound like an event took place that severely frightened Miss Gilbert. I have seen this happen to Dayo when were home one time and a delivery truck pulled up right next to the window his cage was about 10 feet from. He beat his wings and flapped around in his cage for what seemed like days, but was probably in reality about 30 seconds. There were tail feathers and other various feathers all over the place. The was the first and only time I have ever seen him do this thank god. It is alarming and it does blow every feather in the cage/tray all over the room. He was very spooky as well the rest of the day and evening. Poor Miss Gilbert, it's good to hear she recovered though settled down though. With hormones flowing, some molting going on, previous abuse etc. Her physical and mental state right now, if you could view inside her brain would probably look like a horrific lightening display.
  22. When young, they will do this even when they are with you and just want perhaps some more food, a scratch etc. They are rather needy between the Months 1 through 6 of age.
  23. OMG, that punch line by Marco almost made me spit coffee on the screen!!! She is coming along very well and may just be the next Tonight Show host with that sense of humor and perfect timing!
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