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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You are right Ice!! There are so many things like this video, that just put joy in our heart and a smile on our face.:laugh:
  2. CD - Thanks for pointing this out! It is a great feature I had not noticed. It does put a smile on your face when you read the comments from other "Family" members here. Sometimes, all of us forget just to simply say "Have I told you how much I appreciate you?"
  3. judygram wrote: That's a good idea too Judy. I have read articles that mentioned Greys liking to roll around and rub themselves on wet leaves. Let us know if that turns out to be big hit with Josey. Although, am kind of hoping for at-least a minor "Bite" for you :evil: :evil: :whistle:
  4. Tari - That is a great idea! Once Dayo comes home ,I will try inducing him into bath water by employing the "You want it, go get it" method :woohoo:
  5. I agree with Lidia. Every article I have read on estimating Age by Eye coloring, seems to indicate your Breeder was factual with you.
  6. Here, Here - Yes Karla, thanks for being such an advocate of humane treatment! :laugh: Karma + to You!!
  7. Oh, Jeeezzz, I have to play with toy's so Dayo will know they are fun? Ok, I guess I can stoop to that level. My wife accuses me of being a child at times anyway..... I have a Furby that I love to just interact with sometimes :laugh: Hope, Dayo doesn't get any Ideas about the Furby :ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/20 12:29
  8. Judy - Good News!!! You will definitely be a proud "Bite" owner soon. When Josey decides one day, that the bath is not going to happen!! :woohoo: I am glad everyone is telling the likes and dislikes of their respective Greys. It sounds like most absolutely abhor water, but will put up with it only because they love You. :-)
  9. Dinkanber, Just the few posts you have made, extols great knowledge and wisdom of not just Grey's, but all Parrots in general! The stories you must have of your journey with Francis and the helpful advise you can share with all of us is unimaginable. :laugh: Thanks for joining this forum and I look forward to your posts, photo's and perhaps even some video's of Francis in action. Such as, verbalizing the disdain for dirty water, the OUCH when taking blood or whatever else I would imagine he verbalizes with correct responses to the situation at hand.
  10. Birdboy, I can't wait to see some photo's of this hilarious behaviour!!! It sounds like you and Puppy are having a great time together. :laugh:
  11. Hi Ice, I am in the USA. These are Zebra Finches and are not native to this country. They actually are from Australia and thrive there in huge flocks. But, here in my home, they thrive in their large cage :-) I love having and watching birds in there natural habitat, as you are describing. And you don't need a cage to watch them!! Ho:woohoo: w cool is that! We do have Humming Birds native to here, that we enjoy watching as they drink the nectar out of the feeder we have on the patio. I can not imagine the sights you see of nature in Africa....It has been a long time dream of my wife and I to come for a very long visit there.
  12. RdnkParamedic21 wrote: RdnkPara.... If you see me getting blasted and "down for the count"....Please bring the "Happy Gas" bottle and bring me around :woohoo: You are too funny!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/20 11:18
  13. Hello Miltie, I am sorry if my post on Mediocrity made you feel uneasy or just not sure of my intention. The intent of that post, was simply to bring out those on this Forum, that felt strongly about the topic, but needed a little encouragement to actually nudge them to the point of posting their position on the issue. As I stated in that post. I did not care what a members position on the issue was. I was simply asking to hear more people chime in with their thoughts, ideas and feelings on the topic. My thought, is that there is great wisdom in the thoughts and counsel of the MANY, rather than the few. I work too and sometimes may miss a topic that the erupts like a Volcano and then is over just as fast, just as you did. So don't feel like you somehow let anyone down. It is good to hear that you feel somewhat compelled to explain your situation and to ask why I would post such a statement. :-) You are obviously, not in a state of mediocrity at all or you would not have bothered to pose this question on my intent.:woohoo: Also, thanks for asking this question! I am certain there are others on this Forum with the same question, but did not bother to ask........... Perhaps, they are in a state of Mediocrity :woohoo: OK, bring on those replies, I may get blasted, but now at least..... I'll hear from the other "Silent Ones" :lol: :woohoo: :laugh:
  14. Hi Dinkanber and welcome! Thats a very good looking Grey judging from the pictures? Has he ever bit you? :-) If so ( even if not) please post on the The Parrot Bite Me Club" thread to with you experiences and how you handled them etc. :-) We love stories and photos here :woohoo:
  15. DayosMom wrote: :ohmy: Wait a minute, I think the free t-shirt winner should perform this.....if they want it bad enough
  16. Lidea - Good Idea!! TalonSis - Can you mock one one? Maybe with photo's of the hands in different positions as described?
  17. LOL - I love that beat boxing Grey. he is too funny!!! I hope they post a longer one though, it too short!!:woohoo:
  18. danmcq

    funny redness

    LOL - I once scared my Mother good.... We had Black Berry Vines near our house. I being 10 years old, thought 'it would be funny' :laugh: to squeeze the juice from them on my Arm and then run in the house saying Mom Look!! I cut my Arm!!!! :woohoo: She almost passed out, :ohmy: then got mad :evil: and ....Little Danny Boy Raaaaannnnnn :whistle:
  19. Hi Trina, no?? I go to YouTube all the time and watch the Grey and other Parrot Video's though. Can you post the link here so we can al go check it out? Please, Please, Please :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/19 15:34
  20. Hi Miltie!! You are in the same boat as my Wife and I. We go visit Dayo every Saturday. We've been doing this going on 5 weeks now and I know how you feel. But, the time is going fast and it is AMAZING each week when you walk in the door, see the Clutch and only say OH MY GOD, are those a different Clutch or did they actually double in Size in just one week. :woohoo: Yes, please get Photos!!!!
  21. Finchs are egg laying factories !:woohoo: We've had finches for around 7 years and started with 2, became 5 in a hurry and last count was close to 30 :ohmy: I had to buy a humongous cage to house all those finch's. We finally figured out that we needed to take some of the nests out :laugh: sorry...got off topic here :ohmy: We just left 2 nests in the Cage versus 6 before. Then they had to take turns ...kind of like musical chairs on who gets the nest next. BUT, they still lay eggs everywhere!! Find them in the food dishes, bottom of cage, water bowl etc. But, they are all cute little guys and if they fly out of their cage, the only thing on their mind is how to get back in it :-) We learned this by accident, but found later that is just how they are wired...
  22. Bat Bird - I like it!! Birdboy - Could you get a photo of your Grey doing that and post it? We love photos here and yours sounds like it would be a great one to see :-)
  23. DayosMom wrote: Hmmmm, I need to think about this one.... Yes, I took the BIG Bites and you let it happen Ok Honey , your in, I certainly don't want you sicking Dayo on me :ohmy:
  24. celery wrote: LOL!!! That is Funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: I like it!!!!
  25. That is a hilarious mental picture Hahahahahahaha :-) Yes, please get photo's of this. Thanks for posting this. When Dayo starts doing this I won't think he has gone Mad now... :woohoo:
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