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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, very good job on building this playstand Spookyhurst!! It looks like your Grey is already having fun :-)
  2. How sad Harley. What did the vet say in regards how treatable beak and feather disease is and what he thinks the chances of Harley recovering are? From the sounds of what the x rays indicated with the liver, it sounds like it may be in a very advanced stage, but only the vet could determine that. Are you still going through with the biopsy? Please know you and harley are in our thoughts and prayers.
  3. Congratulations Wondermomma!!! We'll look forward to hearing and seeing more of your new baby grey. :-)
  4. Oh No, Ladyjane. That is terrible news. We'll all keep you and your Parrots in our prayers. Some good information on the polyomavirus can be found at: http://www.cockatiels.org/articles/Diseases/polyoma.html http://www.blackstone-aviaries.com/polyom.html Please keep us updated on your flocks health. :-)
  5. Welcome Rosie!! There is a ton of information on every topic you can think of on this forum regarding Greys. You can find them by simply doing a search. If you have specific questions you would like answered, please post them in there respective Room such as foods, training or the main African Grey room. We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos of your grey when you get a chance to upload them. :-)
  6. Hi Tee, LOL - Happy Feet - I love it. It sounds like you have done a great job and provided a lot of love and care for your new Grey. How is your Grey taking to the Pelletes?
  7. danmcq


    :sick: on a sandwich Eeeeewwww, sorry just an instant reaction
  8. danmcq


    Well, I guess I'll try a pomegranate on Dayo....In the Shower!!
  9. You could try cutting down on the seeds or if your home most the day, just leave the pellets bowl and no seeds for a few hours and see how he consumes them. Some birds may never switch to a pellet only diet. The pellet websites all warn to track their wieght carefully if you are trying to convert them to pellets. This is something you will need to experiment with on Izzie and see how he does. Each Parrot is different in this department. Much like people, just refuse to eat certain things and puke at the thought of it :-)
  10. Very cool and entertaining video. :-) I looked up the owner on Youtube and found that it is a Caique :-( I thought it looked like a Grey too...darn it, I want Dayo to hop like that :woohoo: It is very entertaining!!
  11. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say :-) I am certain, some of our expert poopologists will be able to analyse the photo and give good feedback
  12. Hi Tee, Your right, a "Seed only" diet is not healthful or natural. But a balance of all is normal and healthy. Good information you provided on balance, which is very important. :-)
  13. Oh, yes, the first big bomb does normally smell Eeeewwwww. It sounds as though you have a normal healthy Grey then :-)
  14. The morning poop is a secret that all Greys owners keep as a suprise for new grey baby owners. We get such a belly laugh of the shock when the morning bomb gets dropped on the unsuspecting new parronts ;-) Welcome to the Grey ownership club :-)
  15. Oh no Ladyjayne, I am so sorry to hear that your Tiel is sick or possibly injured. I hpoe the best for him. Please keep us posted on the progess and what the vet says regarding it.
  16. Hi Lusya, I guess the first question would be, how what portion does he presently eat of seeds, pellets, fruits and veggies? If he is eating pellets fairly well for example, you may what to slowly decrease the amount of seed mix you provide daily and increase the pellets, fruits and veggies. But, monitor his weight carefully to ensure it does not start dropping. If it does, and goes down 10%, you may need to start giving a little more seed. It just depends on what your goal is. Do you want to completely try to convert him to pellets? Then do as I described above and hopefully he will convert. Then you can offer seeds or nuts as a treat or reward. :-)
  17. Hi Noely - You asked: No.1 should i peel carrots before i give them to my grey and is it ok to give them raw?? - No need to peel. As Judy indicated, you can shred, chop, dice cook etc. and find the way he like them. No.2 how much seeds should i give my grey would it be done by weight or when the bird stops eating or can i over feed him how regular should i be giving him fruit/veg daily, weekly or every second day?? - Since you are gone most the day and if you are giving him a seed mix, place a portion that he seems to normally consume during the day. Also place a bowl of mixed veggies and fruit in their and a bowl of some type of pellets he may eat a few of. They will work their way around from bowl to bowl and consume some of each through out the day. Then at night, take all the bowls out, clean and refill again. Don't forget fresh water each time too!! Don't worry about over feeding, they will not eat until sick like a dog :-) No.3 should i be giving a tonic in his water if so does anybody have the name of a good tonic. No, with fresh veggies and fruit in his daily diet it could actually cause more harm than good and as Judy pointed out, spoil in the water. No.4 what nuts are best to give him and in what form would a grey be capable of cracking a walnut?? They love peanuts, almonds, pine nuts etc. Leave them in the shell. They will need to work hard to get an almond open for example and spend a lot of enjoyable time dong so. It is good for developing strong beak muscles and also keeps the beak in tip top shape and trimmed naturally. No.5 im not spending the time with my grey that he deserves at the moment as i've taken on an extra job to get me throuhg xmas and im getting married next year is thier any good ways of keeping him occupied in my absense?? Make sure he has bountiful types of foods listed above, play toys, wooded chew toys etc. to keep him mentally and physically challenged. You could also place his favorite fruit or nuts in something that he would need to figure out how to get to them. Maybe leave the TV, Radio or a Parrot DVD/CD playing also for some background entertainment. Hope this gives you some ideas. :-)
  18. Dayo (6 mo old) seems to know they are children. I have Grand-kids from 13 down to 4. Dayo was introduced to all of them the 2nd day he came home at 16 weeks old. Since then over the last 2 months, he wolf whistles at the 13 yr old grand-daughter and readily steps up to greet her with excitement. The boys, ranging from 12 to 6 are cautious around Dayo and approach slowly, speaking gently to him and he will readily accept a step-up from any of them. The 4 year old though is a completely different story. He is like a buzz saw running everywhere at the speed of light. Dayo seems nervous of him and watches him like a Hawk, when he comes in the the room hopping, running with arms flailing about, as most at that age do. Dayo will warn him if he quickly pushes a hand towards him, by simply leaning forward with beak open. :-). He does not ruffle his feathers, but seems to know that the 4 year old will remove his hand quickly when Dayo makes that open beak, leaning forward gesture. Dayo seems to subscribe to the "Subdue with leaest amount of force neccessary" rule. So my summation is, Dayo knows they are children and I believe, knows that the 4 year old is an annoying infant, that he deals with in the least amount of shock and awe. Dayo did scream at him once when he showed up with his short hair spiked straight up and running towards him ....it stopped that little guy right in his tracks. :-) I believe, from seeing my Dogs, all the stories I have read and documentaries I have seen of animals with children and especially infants. That they KNOW they are young children or babies, and will try to feed them and guard them with their very lives ,if no humans are in close proximity to protect or feed them them. Kind of like we just KNOW when an animal or bird is an infant for child... :-)
  19. Hi Kelly, My Grey is 6 months old also and does not mimic sounds yet, so yours is ahead of the game compared to some of ours. With 4 children, maybe you could teach your Grey to tell some of the nursery rhymes and sing kids songs to them like row row your boat, jimmy crack corn etc and take some of the stress off of you :-) Oh and Welcome to the Forum!! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/05 21:22
  20. Good posts MrSpock!! Wow, in the photo, it appears one is actually fluffed as if your just irritating the heck out of him/her. Our are they just anticipating a meal? :-)
  21. LOL GreYt story Siobha...I love it and now we both know your Grey also has a veryy good sense or humor. :-)
  22. CookiesMom wrote: Sounds like the way he got excited, he may very well have known what a cookie was. :silly: Bake some fresh cookies and see if he starts screaming (((COOKIE....COOKIE))) :woohoo:
  23. BMustee is right on. Also, neither Grey is sexually mature yet either and are not having any hormonal drive to seek a mate. Like little children, they both probably Eeewwww a Boy or Eeewww a girl..YUCK :-) But we all know how that changes when hormones start flowing B)
  24. What a good looking grey witha white nail on each foot. :-) Thanks for sharing those photos!!
  25. LMG is right on. It sounds like your breeder was very upset at the loss of the baby he had been lovingly handfeeding for months. :-( It was a wonderful offer to just give you a TAG free out of the next clutch, after giving your money back. :-)
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