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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hello Christian, It's GeYt to hear Gatiep is doing fine and progressing well. You have learned a lot in the last 2 months I'm sure. Looking forward to seeing those photos and of hearing more about him. :-)
  2. Can't wait to hear and see the photos!!! {Communicate-000200D6}
  3. Awwww, Carolyn, I love the piano player. :-)
  4. Well, you don't want him to poop in his own playground do you? ;-) He's thinking "How disgusting". :-) If you can detect that he is going to do this most the time. It is a perfect time to train him where you wish him to go at. Anytime you notice he is getting ready to go, take him to where you desire him to poop and say "Go Poop" or "Bombs Away" etc. he will soon go there on his own. He will soon let you know by vocalizing when he needs to do so or if flighted, take himself there. :-)
  5. Heather, One thing to perhaps consider doing to ease your nervousness and making the decision easier. Would be to find a breeder with in driving range that you could go and interact with a Grey your are interested in. It will give you the chance to assess their personality, talk to a knowledgeable bird person first hand about the pros, cons and upkeep requirements. Once you have visited a few times, you will know if it's right for you and your husband. The problem with reading all the information on the Internet. Is it becomes very overwhelming sometimes. This is because you are reading and processing all the pros and cons in your mind with no true interaction and experience. The other bad thing about the Internet posts, is it is sometimes difficult to weed out the trash from the true and factual data to come to a true conclusion based on solid facts. Our minds simply can not do this just based on Internet posts by very experienced and educated posters, to just posts from limited individuals that express their thoughts based on maybe a few real experiences or hear-say. I don't know about you, but if I research first, go through the mental thought and anxiety you are describing to to figure it purely mentally. I get exhausted and double minded. To stop the mental uncertainty, I then normally come to the conclusion I must go and see, touch and experience whatever it is I am trying to make a decision on, be it animal, bird, electronic gadgets, appliances etc. I hope this helps you a little. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/25 15:26
  6. LOL - Ah yes, the old hurt and make up routine. :-) You will be amazed at the sounds they will pick up very quickly. The sounds come much sooner than the actual speech. It seems to be a natural progression for them in learning vocalization skills early on.
  7. OlBenny wrote: Thats interesting your Vet states that approximate age versus the information you received from the person you acquired him from. I would assume he is basing this on the last year wild caught birds could be imported. An open leg band does not necessarily indicate the bird was imported. My Grey has such a crimped on open band. It was put on by the breeders for easy removal if the purchaser decided to do so, simply pull it open to remove. If your grey truly came with an open wire ring import band, you should be able to trace the band by calling the USDA. You may surprised at the information you receive. A friend found that her blue crown conure had been imported 13 years earlier - from Japan! In other circumstances the USDA information may give you not only the approximate age of your bird, but the country of origin. (301) 734-5097 It would be interesting to to hear if you decide to research it.
  8. Some start talking earlier than others. The average is around a year old. It is quite possible you are hearing a little mumbling as your Grey calibrates a word or two. This will sometimes occur early, then stop, then start back up again 2 or 3 months later. But, it is certainly exciting when you hear that first mumble or what we perceive as a try a verbalizing isn't it?:woohoo:
  9. danmcq


    Hahahah, Parrot "Splatter Art". Some artists make BIG bucks doing that. Hey, place a sheet of Art paper under your bird, feed him a bunch of multi-colored foods, capture the successive poops, place it on a spinning wheel for a psychedelic effect and sell it. Art by Polly. ;-) They all do seem to be amused by their own poop don't they? Every bird I have ever observed, always checks out the bomb they just dropped.
  10. Anmlhggr wrote: Yes, CALM DOWN or you'll scare the Hell out of poor Gleadr with all your energy. :-) In all seriousness, can't wait to see those photos and hear how the homecoming went!!
  11. Congratulations Oppie on selecting (or should I say Spencer) an life mate. :-) It sounds like an ideal situation in regards your being able to visit, having an avian vet and being able to have all your new babies information at hand. It sounds like you are already well on your way, with the cage and toys already being purchased. In regards bringing him home, just slow and easy. Let him dictate how fast he becomes accustomed to his new family, cage and environment. Since you are interacting with him from such a young age, it could be fairly instantaneous. Well done!!
  12. LOL Judy - Well...... it's true :blush: :laugh:
  13. Great to hear Gryphon got the "works" and all went well. Very nice photo and he is one handsome boy. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  14. Welcome Catie and Nyah!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  15. Welcome Heather and your entire family!! It's GreYt having you here. Hopefully you have been finding all the information you need. If not, just ask. :-)
  16. Awww, I love baby Greys. They are just too cute.........then they grow up. ;-)
  17. Wait, I think I see ghostly face starting to appear in that photo. :ohmy: :dry:
  18. Wow!! These are absolutely beautiful photos of Tui. Tui looks exteremly healthy and LARGE. Must be a BIG Grey. :-)
  19. Man, Cricket is very lucky to be alive. Yes, parrots love to chew on cords if they get a chance. It is a huge safety hazard to them and the home as you found. I'll just bet Cricket is grumpy and pissed off. His beak, tongue and who knows what else probably hurts. It's good to hear a vet visit is scheduled. Looking forward to hearing an update on how cricket is. :-)
  20. Awww, what great ictures of your new baby Grey. It's wonderful that you are able to visit him from such a young age. It will make his home coming very easy because he will be very attached to you by then. Congratulations on finding a Grey. :-)
  21. Oh, I am excited for you too. Less than 24 hours from now you will have Cloe home!! :-) Please remember us and get plenty of photos tomorrow and let us see the much anticipated arrival. It's amazing how close we here on the forum get to each and every member's Grey through the posts our members provide the photos, antics and growing up of their new Greys. Looking forward to that post!! :-)
  22. Jadewolf32 wrote: If the screaming just started at the same point in time that you quit spoon feeding him, it's highly probable that he is screaming for his mother to feed him. He is still very young at 5 months and may still require feedings and is not fully weaned, thus the screaming. I am just looking for the needle in the haystack that could be the root of the problem. Try spoon feeding him his favorite food in his "Feeding Spot" and see if the screaming slows down.
  23. Great photos of Rexxy with the Dogs. :-) Dog saliva is filled with bacteria you would not believe. ou know they lick there butt's, eat cat poop and anything else on the ground that smells possibly like food. Their saliva is very dangerous to your Grey.
  24. LOL - Playing dead seems to be big fun to him. :-) Our Grey likes to get on his back at times too. But, you never know when. Once freely doing this you will need to pay careful attention to whats he's doing or he may find himself on the floor wondering what happen to the catch by the other hand. Sometimes our Grey will just decide to flip upside down off the shoulder and expect to be caught or land in your folded arm. I can say he was missed once while watching a movie and he ended up in my wife's lap looking up like "What the Hell, over?". :-)
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