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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. From the photo, your grey is certainly very young in months. When young, they learn manners to an extent from your reactions in sounds they here and your physical ones as well. Those are hard pinches, not nasty bites like an attack would be. Patience, consistency and learning his body language will help you to avoid a hard pinch or bite before they happen. Believe me, body language is your and your greys best friend. It tells more than any verbal language will ever convey in their world. I will say, they do not learn from punishment. They learn to respect you to a point and they also expect you to respect there body language they know exaclty what they indicate. Ignore it and a bite will come.
  2. danmcq


    Funny twsits to the thread in regards Beans, I won't add further with my ludicrous and heathen thoughts.
  3. danmcq


    yes, they are safe as long as they are "Well Cooked" in or out of the Pod.
  4. Thanks for the crash and burn story. It's good to hear nothing was harmed but Cocoa's pride a little.
  5. Very cute! Thanks for sharing this. I love hearing about these special words and phrases they use when interacting with their much loved Parronts.
  6. danmcq


    Hahahahahahahahahaha, I love it. Just don't pull up next to a cop car.
  7. LOL Terri!!! It's great to hear from you again and about Bella!!! I find it amusing and annoying at the same time that they throw these tantrums just like a small child. I hope you visit more often, post some update photos, videos and more stories. You have been missed!
  8. LOL - The phone rings, you go get it. These intelligent little greys pick up on that very rapidly. Thus they ring, you go get it/them. Their goal is you came into their line of sight and secondly they want you to pick them up.
  9. One day there were three women they walked into a pet shop and a parrot shouted from the corner “pink, grey, red!” “Thats funny” says the first women, “I ve got red knickers on!” then the second women says the same but she says that she has ...got pink knickers on then the third women says well ive got grey knickers on. So the next day all three women go into the pet shop with white knickers on and the same parrot shouts white, white, white. So the next day the decide to test the parrot so they walk into the pet shop and the parrot shouts straight, curly, bold……
  10. Head rub, scratch, fake you out for scratch then nail you, nothing at all, you name it could be it. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what if anything they think it means.
  11. The poor baby, it appears they will grow back. Time will soon tell.
  12. Baby greys and all birds do strange and gross things not realizing that poop just came from them. That will pass most birds will cut a path avoiding even stepping in poop once the are a little more mature.
  13. Welcome my grey. You came to the right place to ask your questions in regards your grey. I am looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  14. Welcome and looking forward to hearing more as the rescue progresses.
  15. Welcome to the forum and thanks for such a great introduction. It sounds like you will be a perfect home for a rescued grey. I am looking forward to hearing updates and thanks for posting the photos.
  16. Great idea Ray. Dayo hates showers or any water activity he does not control. When he's ready, he will hop in a large stainless water bowl made for dogs and get soaked. I mist him in his cage with aloe and also in the spring and summer months roll him in the cage outside and wash both at the same time. He hates the shower, but loves being outside.
  17. Bipolar? Thanks for sharing this.
  18. LOL, they do sneak up on us at times. Thanks for sharing this.
  19. Thanks for this link, I thoroughly enjoyed watching and had never seen it before.
  20. Welcome Yogi Birda! I know those moves well and those hard pinches do indeed hurt and leave a red swollen mark. Our grey does the same when he gets a "Tude" and thinks we have somehow slighted him or taken a forbidden item away from him. Your story paints a clear mental picture and does solicit a laugh. Welcome to the club! Thanks for sharing this. Why don't you visit our introduction room and tell us a little about you and YOgi? WE love photos and videos as well.
  21. Nice to hear such wonderful news on how it's gone so far. I am looking forward to a new thread and updates.
  22. danmcq

    Our Turn

    I hope a speedy recovery takes hold. Is her crop impacted or just super slow due to the infection? I ask due to your comment that her crop was extended, which you don't normally see in a bird after weaning.
  23. Some greys will enjoy a hand feeding the rest of their lives. In the wild adult mature "Couples" feed each otherm both when the female is sitting on eggs and at other times as well. You can get the "Jackhammer" reaction anytine you wish by simply placing your fingers at the back fleshy part of the beak connection. It really has nothing to do with reverting back to being a baby, your grey is just being a bird by instinct. Baby food is the consistency of birds regurgitating for one another and especially if it's warm they love it.
  24. Tricky little Devil! Your going to have to keep an eye peeled from now on. Thanks for sharing this story.
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