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About kwellens

  • Birthday 12/02/1970

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  1. I was happy to see that Centurion does test their powder coat. They are made in China also. My worry is the increase in size overall might throw him off. Seems weird to be worried about that I guess but you know how greys can be sometimes. . Here is the link to Centurion's most recent tests: http://www.centurionaviaries.com/warranty.html. I suppose for the price of this aviary I could also consider a stainless steel cage.
  2. We haven't started actual construction of the aviary but we have brought some panels in and showed them to Bubba and he is oohing and ahhhing and interested so good sign there. LOL! . That is what he does when I show him new toys.
  3. Yes, I definitely want a bigger cage for him. What size cage does Sophie have?
  4. Great suggestions. I will check to see if his old cage will fit inside the new aviary and also can spend some time in there with him to help him adjust. I wondered about the 1 inch bar spacing but that is what he has right now and seems to do fine with it. I could not find a large cage with anything other than 1 inch bar spacing. My other concern is I have a green cheek conure also and purchased a Kings cage for her recently. Quite honestly I feel like the powder coat on her cage seems of better quality than what is on the aviary especially for the money difference. Not that the aviary is horrible or anything, the Kings just seems a little better. If I changed I would go with a Kings cage not less than 40 wide and most likely 42 to 48 inches wide. Is there any such thing as too large of a cage for these guys?
  5. Hi. I have had my Congo African Grey Bubba since he was a baby. He is now 15 years old and has no behavior problems and is well adjusted. I have him in a cage measuring 36 x 28 and he has been in it since I first got him. He loves it and will sometimes choose to stay in it rather than coming out but does come out also. Unfortunately it is time to get a new cage as this one is not in the best condition anymore. I purchased a Centurion walkin aviary that is 62 x 38 with 1 inch bar spacing. However I am now getting worried about changing him to this as it is so different from what he is used to. It also has to be built in place and has no wheels so kind of difficult to introduce him to it gradually. I am thinking of returning or selling it and getting him a cage larger than he has now but with the dishes in similar location, etc. and one I can place by his old one so he can transition and explore gradually. I am worried about his reaction to a drastic change as he is doing so well but I know I may just be an overly worried mom. ?. What would you do? Am I overreacting?
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