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Everything posted by kevindunn

  1. hi everyone noodles my 3 yr old cag has been with me 8 months now. We have lost a few neck and chest feathers due to him coming to a new home but he has calmed down alot nw and the misting with aloe vera juice has helped alot. i have the room r/h around 65% feed him harrisons pellets with frest fruit,veg and select nuts eg walnut..almonds non salted. I have recently been waking up to feathers at the bottom of cage e.g flight feathers couple of tail feathers and he is constantly preening even with one or two misting a day ?I really cant tell if he is molting or plucking these feather out ? any help/advice would be grateful . thankyou (ps he has been vets and bloods and health is fine)
  2. losing hope very fast ! 3 yr old cag had him 8 months is on a pellet diet with fresh fruit and veg palm oil 4 times a week sparyed with aloe vera juice 3 times a week lots of toys and out of cage time but still he plucks...bites...and he knows where to poo but continues to do it anywhere he wants my previous cag i had 20yrs was no problem and a joy to be around give up
  3. maybe ask the hubby to leave ? just an idea:D
  4. can anyone help ? will this be ok to spray on noodles thanks
  5. hi does anybody know where i can get the juice from here in the uk ? paying nearly 100 pound for a gallon ?
  6. yes am going to stop the misting for a while am giving him pellets thoughout the day and about 4 pm fresh veg and fruit with what pellets are left, He is only eating sweet potatoe mashed all the green veg he throws out.
  7. hi... i have had noodles 6 weeks he ia a 3 yr old C.A.G. When i brought him home he was on a pets at home seed diet and the vet explained that i should be thinking about changing to a pellet diet so i chose harrisons high potency coarse which he has takin to straight away so i have stopped seed all together ? is that safe? reason for the high potency is because he has plucked a small patch by his neck but only does this when i mist him with warm water every morning.Prevous owned told me to do this to prevent plucking?.So what am asking is am i feeding him correctly and should i stop misting? he is very itchy if i miss the morning mist? thanks for reading (feel out of my depth).
  8. I have owned noodles 3 weeks now and were starting to bond very well. We have been living in the front living room which is on a main road which is very busy so i come to think maybe move in the back living room were it is much more peaceful ?.Any way i have been talking to noodles all the time since him coming to me and he has been very quiet and a touch nervous but within 10 minutes of moving living rooms he just repeated everythink i have said for the last 3 weeks am amazed! cant say how happy i am such a cleaver boy;)
  9. thankyou everyone for your comments I might sound a bit daft but i am getting worried noodles has plucked around the the bottom of his neck /top of chest,so i am about to book him in at a avian vet with him being new to me want to get bloods done and a general health check but not getting wings trimmed/clipped?.Just not looking forward to attempting to get him in the travel cage dont want to spoil the little bit of trust he has for me.I have emailed previous owner and he said noodles has plucked in same area and never goes any further i am wishing its over preening? just finding the odd soft white feather ?.
  10. hi everyone My name is kevin and have become a proud owner of a 3yr old male C.A.G called noodles. He has been with me two weeks and is eating out my hand already which i think is great but he will not say a word and if i try to have him step up he nips my hand. I mist him every morning and he dislikes it but i was told he needs it due to dry skin and preventing pucking, is the misting making him moody thats why he isnt talking or more important step up ? Feel abit lost any advice would be great.....thanks
  11. hi everyone:)..... i have recently become a proud owner of a C.A.G 3 year old male. When i went to pick him up he was chatting away and eating off his owners shoulder. I know its going to take time to bond and for him to trust me but i am very worried he has not eatin anything for 3 days ? and he growls and shakes if i come within 1 meter of him. I let him out the cage and he seems to enjoy sitting on top of his cage looking out the window. I have tried all his treats just wish he would eat. Many thanks and any advice for be great.
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