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About marwan121

  • Birthday 08/05/1999

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, i used the soother for a week but the problem is the parrot is afraid from it and he doesn't like showering either, but it startes to get better with the soother, when should i stop spraying it on him? Thank you
  2. Hello, My parrot feathers started to fall down 7 months ago and last month i took him to the vet, he gave me a soother spray and injected him with something. Now his white feathers came back but why its not growing back to his original form. Thank you This is his current photo
  3. Hi, I went to buy normal seeds as usual for my african grey but the store keeper told me to give other food not just seeds so he can get vitamins so I got zupreem. Do u recommend me to give him everyday or should i keep feeding him seeds for half of the week and the other half zupreem? thank you
  4. i dont know lol, he just looks like moy moy so I called him moy moy ^^
  5. im his first owner, i got him from a store when he was 4 month, the store had 40 african grey age from 4 to 6 and i chose this guy
  6. Hi, I have a parrot and he is 17 month old I dont know the gender and he is very cuddly, whenever I go near to him, he sticks his head out and whenever I want to carry him, he gives me his head to pet him, he still doesnt talk but he makes noises and the only thing he learned is his name moy moy and how to cough, when he was small i sat hours petting him. I hope ill get along. thank you (sorry about the grammer)
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