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Everything posted by charlie666

  1. well i will try again and i hope you can all see this one. because i wasnt happy with my pose in the last one:P
  2. hi Jacob mom, i am no expert but my advice would be as tari said lots and lots of toys i mean lots !"!!!!! of toys no cover, and why his own room personally i think the best place would be the most social place of the household IE. living room or sitting room of coarse these are just my personal feelings and i am sure someone will have some better advice than me as i am a newbie to this family as well. all the best........................ceri<br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/26 23:54
  3. I'm not C,A,G. I'm an ostrich !!!!!!!!!!!
  4. just wondering dose anyone else on this site own or know of any other red factor greys. just that i would like to compere photos, thanks...............ceri.
  5. thanks he is also my best friend and sole-mate <br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/24 02:07
  6. thats nice i feel quite proud of my red factor charlie:) <br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/23 22:43
  7. just updated some photos on my profile page and i will take some more in the next couple of days. all the best ..................ceri.
  8. hi i have just noticed that there is no one else on this forum with a A,G. with so much red feathers on its body like that of charlies, or is there? when we purchased charlie the breeder told us that he has a lot more red on him than most A,Gs and that it will be possible that it will probably molt out on his first molt well he has had his first molt and he still has lots of red on him, is this rare? i will try to attach an image to this post but if not you can see him (or her) in the photo album or on my page. Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/23 22:0<br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/23 22:46
  9. :blink: your not kidding there:huh:
  10. he likes me to spoon the inside into his food bole (lazy bird) it dose tend to be less messy.<br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/22 21:14
  11. charlie absolutely loves pomegranate and tends to get a lot of juice from them.
  12. hi do you mean fruit juice.?
  13. thanks for the advice everyone, Harrison's seed is what i have always fed Charlie just wondering should i give a tonic or something as well in Charlie's drinking water, thanks...............ceri<br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/22 00:11
  14. thanks talon will be taking him (or her) as soon as i can will let you now how i get on . thanks................ceri
  15. hi there my name is ceri and my greys name is charlie, we are new to this site and i was looking for some advise, charlie is about a year old and he seems to have a bit of the sniffles or what sounds like a cold just wondering if they do get colds also i did notice that one of his nostrils were blocked but i seemed to have cleared this now by spraying him with water but still seems to have the sniffles. thanks..............ceri
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