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Everything posted by Ma12cus504

  1. It have been a little over 8 year since I join and disappear from this group. I joined this group right after I got my baby grey. Today, he is full grown with a little attitude but over all still a good bird. I see him as my child
  2. As everyone knows i brought an african grey which was only 4 weeks olds. I brought it because it was cheap and compulse for only $500 It was too good of a deal to pass. We had no experience or any sort but was we quickly learn how to be on top of things.We feed him out of a cup instead of a suring As of today, he is full grown and is doing great. We notice as he was growing up, it always purr like a cat or growe as a dog. We never heard a sweeking sound only when he was at 4 week. We are planning to get a electrus or a cockatoo around 7-8 week later on. To my opinion, the young parrot handraise by it owner tend to be more friendlier "My own experience verse my friends" Here is all the pic from the 1st day we got him til today. We are not planning to take anymore since all the feathers are grown out and nothing else noticeable can be seen. Enjoy!!! 1st Pic Junior 4-5weeks ------------------------- http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/?action=view&current=june1720075_6wk.jpg 5-6weeks --------- http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/?action=view&current=june2420076_7wk.jpg 6-7weeks ---------- http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/?action=view&current=3.jpg 7-8weeks --------- http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/?action=view&current=1-1.jpg 8-9weeks ---------- http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/?action=view&current=2-2.jpg 9-10weeks ----------- http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/?action=view&current=3-2.jpg
  3. anyone brought any and actually try it?
  4. I saw some ad online selling parrot eggs. Do people really sell eggs?
  5. July 15 2007,Sunday 8-9 weeks. Brought his new cage on sat. from a bird show. Here is some updated pic with his/her new cage. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/3-1.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/2-2.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/1-2.jpg
  6. How come i dont see anyone else doing a weekly update like me Seem like i am the only one doing it
  7. I notice that the response always tend to lend toward the side of whatever forum i am in. I posted the same question on the snake forum, everyone on there went crazy. Alot of them dont know anything about parrot and try to say the typical myth about them. But so far, they are much more hostile then this forum
  8. Base on what i got from everyone both from the snake forum and this forum. I came to relize that snake and parrot are two different things. Snakes are more like a display....as same to aquarium to Parrot as more to a companionship thanx for everyone help
  9. Anyone here have myspace ? I want to add some buddy on myspace my user name is Ma12cus504@yahoo.com
  10. They say snake are alot smarter then an african grey, since they can determine who the owner is and can are more affection then CAG
  11. every since i start taking weekly pic, I look forward every sunday to really compare. I cant really tell the different without the pic since i see him everyday
  12. I once kept 13 snake, but until 2 month ago I sold them all to buy my 1st African grey. I was wondering if i made the right choice. Base on my analysis, I think the african grey would make a better companion and cost wise. Base on 1 Snake vs 1 parrot: snake = $5 weekly feeding plus special lighting = $25 monthly CAG = $25 feeds for 3 month = $8 monthly Snake law is getting tougher versus bird little or no law. It not base all on money wise, but i really think CAG really communicate and response to us better. On the snake forum, those people think otherwise. They all say i was stupid and shouldnt waste my time with birds. I know each forum will defend their creature I am open minded to all response Thank you
  13. July 8 2007 Updated Pic Junior 7-8wk http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/1-1.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/2-1.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/7.jpg
  14. My CAG right now is about 7-8weeks, i am looking to find the best place to buy pellet for him/her. I heard harrison pellet is the best, but i wondering if anyone know where to get some at best price. Where do everyone get their pellet from in the USA? And what do you feed your CAG? Any help will be greatly appricated
  15. The local newspaper is always a good start. That is where i find mine. I check the paper every week until it shows Patient is the key
  16. Yes, I admit i was dumb and easily fooled by the breeder. "Handfeeding it yourself will make bond to you more"
  17. I agree, Feeding it wasnt hard but really stressful for me. Sometime i worry i might kill it. I brought Junior before doing any research, it was stupid of me.But what is done is already been done, but If i had to redo it again, i rather get one that is weaned already. Also, this is my first time having an grey. Been wanting one for almost 12 years, but never have money to buy one until now . I have no handfeeding experience, so far i have been lucky with him/her so far. Counting the day until he/she is fully wean, then no more stress for me. Bottom line, i recommend buying a wean CAG. it not worth the stress brought upon yourself my two cent
  18. Week 5-6 weeks, 1st Pic when he/she just arrive. June 17 2007 http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/june1720075_6wk.jpg Week 6-7 weeks, 2nd Pic June 24 2007 http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/june2420076_7wk.jpg Weeks 7-8 weeks, 3rd Pic July 1 2007 http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/3.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/Ma12cus504/1.jpg See the development More to come next sunday,
  19. Thanx everyone for their great info. I really appricate it
  20. So basically we dont really need it? Thanx alot of the info.
  21. my baby african grey does not have a ring band like all the greys at the petshop. Is it necessary to have one?
  22. I dont think it really matter. I would recommend to keep her name like it is since she already thinks she harrison. Also, harrison can be a girl too My 2 cents
  23. As some of you might already know, i brought an 4-5weeks old CAG on June 17 2007 before doing any research. I had no experience in feeding or even know how to take care of a baby. I already knows that everyone is against buying something so young and without experience. Well to make thing short... I have the feeding down pack. Eatting every 4-5 hours daily and is healthy and happy. But i was reading some of the entry, i notice some people talk about giving them shots and stuff. My question is, what do my CAG need? What kind of shot or other medication I need for CAG? If there anyone out there who can help me and point me to the right direction, I am greatly appreciated. Magnus
  24. Ma12cus504


    I did my first blow with pic today. It was kinda confusing at first, but i got it now
  25. I had problem naming mine also. It took us 1 week to come up with a good name. I wanted to give him/her Zeus, Bubble, and Max. My wife wanted JayJay and Bobble. But we finally agree to give him/her "JUNIOR" Simple and cool
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