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Everything posted by IzzyAngel

  1. Aaaand there goes my productivity for the day! Oh my squee so fluffy!
  2. Thank you Katana600! I was actually wondering if there was an appropriate place to post his story and progress. I'm going to have to do that! I had heard that shaking the tail was a warning sign, like a dog growling, or that they were happy, like a dog wagging its tail. Toby only showed aggressive behavior at his previous owners home. He has "challenged" us a few times (acted like he was going to bite when asked to step up) once he learned that we would not be intimidated he stopped. When ever he threatened we curl our fingers and present the back of our hand, harder for beak to find purchase, and say 'no bite'. He wouldn't actually try to bite, just push against the back of our hand. I can't tell you all how much I enjoy this site! I have learned so much already, and to find like minded Bird Brains - which is a compliment to a grey owner - it's just awesome!
  3. I have read the Alex studies, and her books. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!
  4. Then I will leave everything as is! Although I think I may have just found an excuse to get another boing for the conure stand. I may be completely wrong, but I think the reason he went on safari yesterday was because he watched the conures playing on the couch with us earlier.
  5. OH fun! Craft projects YAY =D I thought about taking 2 of the toys out of his cage, or at the very least the big spiral rope. I was torn between 'is this overwhelming' and 'Poor baby will have nothing to do, just like his old home'. That settles it, I will take out some of the big scary toys, maybe put one on the conure stand.
  6. Birdhouse, I had not made it down to Rescue Bird Haven yet, I was actually going to ask if there was a forum for that, but after you mentioned it I went searching and OMGoodness! SO much wonderful info and a few tears! The poem, A Human Hand - I cried... a lot! Thank you also for all of your advice! Don't stare - LOL - but that makes a lot of sense! I've never thought about that! We cover his cage at night, and I was wondering if we should push it more toward the wall so I will try that as well. All of our birds are in the Living Room since that is where we spend most of our time, right now we let him stay on his play top while we sit around and talk or play a card game, and talk to him as well as my other birds. I make sure to "love on" my conures in front him, then talk to him the same way when I hand him a grape or slice of apple. Yesterday he came down to the couch and explored us! (I got a few pictures and posted them in my album) Is there a thread or anything that talks about teaching them to play with toys? or is this something that will come with time as he gets more comfortable?
  7. My poor TOBY! WHAAAAA! Ok, I'm better now... Oh this made my heart ache! When I first met Toby at his previous owners home, his sweet little eyes screamed help me! Lord give me the patience to help him heal, the courage to be the mommy he deserves, and the strength not to beat his previous owner into the mud. Amen
  8. Thank you Everyone for the welcome! I have had Toby for about a week now, and he has a vet appointment next Friday with our Avian Vet Dr. Burge. He is a very sweet baby, and we have already seen a change in demeanor from when we first met him to now, he's not aggressive and he is talking a bit more everyday. I have been browsing the site, and have found a lot of great info already! Thank you guys so much for all of you effort and time.
  9. Thank you luvparrots! I guess I forgot to post the pictures of Toby! (I love birds, technology... not so much!)
  10. Hi All! I'm Izzy. I am a first time grey mom to Toby, a 20 year old CAG. I adopted Toby from a woman who kept him in a small cage with cedar bedding, with 2 toys, 2 perches, and a seed only diet. (Direct quote from previous owner: "He likes Twizzlers, HiHos, bacon, cheese burger, and cheez its. But you can't give him too many cheez its because salt isn't good for birds. 0_o) I was told that Toby hadn't been handled in years, hadn't been out of his cage in years, hadn't seen a vet EVER, and started plucking his feathers a bit...understatement...due to the stress that the PO's Amazon caused him. You may be asking yourself why someone with no grey experience would take on a bird like this, and you are right to question my mental state... but when I looked at him his eyes said 'Help Me'. As a bird lover I couldn't just walk away. I knew I'd made the right decision when she tried to pull him out of the cage with oven mits, his wing slipped in between the bars of his cage and she twisted his body. (I almost lost it!) Toby now has a brand new 36x24 cage with play top, many toys and perches, and we are working on a better diet! A few behaviors that worry me: He doesn't climb around his cage! (Basically stays in one spot unless we move him) Shakes his tail a lot (I have heard mixed things about what this means) Is still picking at his feathers and preens a lot (I knew this would not go away immediately, but OH how I hate it) Some of the feathers on his back and breast look red (not sure if you can see this in the picture or not...) Anyway, that's a little about me and a lot about Toby. Any advice you have on building trust with a neglected grey would be greatly appreciated!
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