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About Faris54

  • Birthday 11/03/1975

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  1. Well hello everyone, i gave paco sometime to see how he reacts to that rescue remedy, and i took all the other advices into consideration & actually tried them all. it got getter better for a while but then lately it took a turn for the for worse! It's so bad now that he's got not feathers on his chest at all!! Just bare skin! And now he's started plucking his back feathers now! Its been sooooo frustrating to see him to that to himself, i just wish i could read his mind to see what he is going through....seems like nothing is helping him. I just can't think of anything else. I need help (((
  2. He started picking his feathers even before we moved his cage. A month before actually. Other than that i can't think of anything else. But for the past few days he's been better, either there is notmuch feathers left or he is getting better. I've been giving him that drop thats called rescue remedy. Which is a natural stress reliever. We'll have to work on making him talk again cuz he doesn't talk as he used to anymore.....
  3. Yes those white soft fluffy ones, but thats not all... There are no grey feathers on his chest anymore! His bare skin is showing all around his neck! I don't even know whether they'll ever grow back! I see the fluffy ones grow back but no signs of the grey ones.... Lately i've been misting him with alo vera juice, was told it may help. Also since he started plucking feathers he has stopped talking completely!!! Don't know why!!
  4. He does get sunlight through out the day, his cage is right by the window & i leave it half way open in day time. Thanks for that link i will look into it. Someone also recommended alo vera i will try that too. Just now when i came come i noticed there was around 20 of those soft under coating feathers in his cage!!! Its so sad
  5. Yes he is... As a matter a fact i just came home from work & noticed there were atleast 15-20 of those fluffy white feathers in the cage, i know cuz i just cleaned it up lastnight (( its just driving me nuts!
  6. Where do i get that rescue remedy from? What is it anyway? For his cage, yes i have made any kind of changes possible to see if it helps but no! It didn't help. I just wonder howlong does that mating behavior will last!?
  7. Just that its odd how he started doing that all of a sudden, few months ago he wasn't doing that at all! On top of it i really don't know why he doesn't talk anymore!! ((
  8. yes he does have sun light in his room, enough sunlight as a matter a fact!
  9. I don't show that I'm that frustrated around him to build up the negative energy but it just bothers me to see howmuch feathers he has lost in the past couple of months only! On top of it he has stopped talking around the same time which is the odd part! However i don't giveup, i keep talking to him the same way, hopefully it will comeback one of these days...
  10. Yes i have seen him do it, the thing is there are only afew grey feathers left on his chest and the fluffy ones. As a matter a fact his bare skin is showing on his neck. When i took him to the vet he showed me that there was clear visible signs of feathers damaged by him picking them so hard. On the other hand he is very playfull, calm & not aggressive at all. Doesn't bite or anything either. I live in toronto Canada. I really don't know what else to do at this point.....
  11. I've even put a humidifier in his room, he eats pallets, the tropical brand name parrot food, he eats fruits, some vegetables(not a big fan) & some nuts ofcourse. I've told the vet what he eats & he said it was fine. I'm just cutting down some seeds & peanuts that he loves which aren't the healthiest nutrition source. I also do mist him like twice a week & closed the 1 heat vent in his room.
  12. Hello everyone, I'm fred & new to this site, i've had my grey for about 10 months, mind you he is 8 yrs old already. Got him from a breeder. The first 7-8 months he was great, started to talk right away, never touched a feather,then he started this bad habit of picking his feathers,at first his back, then moved to his neck area. Its so frustrating that I don't know the cause of it. I've talen him to a vet, checked him, he is physically & healthy, doesn't seem depressed. However he has stopped picking the grey small feathers & just goes for the fluffy white ones which grow under the grey feathers, roughly about 4-5 aday which is very concerning. He no longer talk now! The vet couldn't find any problems & said the it could be the level of hormones since he has showed the acts of mating calls with me quite often lately. But i need help asap, plzzzzzzz, its driving me nuts! Feel so sorry for him ??
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