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  1. Nice to hear there is another Elmo out there. How old is your Elmo? Mine is 5 months...no words as yet....I see on a recent post yours has said his first hello!
  2. I keep a parrot as I am intriguiged and interested in all animals. I love a challenge and want to build a fantastic relationship with my bird. I do however, get a lot of stick from some of my friends who think 'keeping a bird in a cage' is cruel. I think they are ignorant and dont realise how much effort and worry we put into making sure our birds are happy, content and fulfilled. I would certainly not be keeping a parrot if he spent all day 'in a cage'!
  3. To my surprise Elmo flew today. He flew from his cage top onto the coffee table and then a little later up on to the back of the sofa (where I now spy a little beak shaped hole!). Elmo is clipped. He has about 7 feathers taken off each side and I wasnt expecting this dilemma already. Now I have to think..do I clip some more or let him fly? It is so difficult to decide. He will certainly get more attention and interactiion from different members of the family throughout the house if he is not able to fly. I fear if he is flighted I might end up not allowing so much freedom as I am less in control of what he has access to. Can I trust children with doors etc...? Decisions..decisions... Jude
  4. dbhelix - I certainly wouldnt leave Elmo undupervised :-) I was thinking about having him on a stand just outside the open door of the grooming salon while I work inside about 3 feet away from him. Thats where I put his 'mobile' cage now during my work hours. Number 6 - I have the medium for Elmo and he is quite small. Jude
  5. dbhelix - I certainly wouldnt leave Elmo undupervised :-) I was thinking about having him on a stand just outside the open door of the grooming salon while I work inside about 3 feet away from him. Thats where I put his 'mobile' cage now during my work hours. Number 6 - I have the medium for Elmo and he is quite small. Jude
  6. Yes..That sounds exactly like Elmo. Is Brian the same age 11 - 12 weeks? As you suggest, hopefully they will grow out of it as they get older. Jude
  7. Beccy, Does Brian chew at his harness? Elmo does unless he has my full attention. I would like him to be able to outside on his playstand while I am working but I cant while he keeps chewing it. He has already left a few little plucks in the material. He also tries to get his foot in it and it would be easy for it to get stuck. Does Brian do this? By the way I just love the name Brian! :-) Jude
  8. I have my 11 week old CAG on a harness outside. I do find however, that I cannot just leave him on a playstand whilst I do gardening or anything as he will start to chew the harness or try and get his foot in it as soon as he does not have my full attention. This might make riding a bike quite tricky I think. Have a go though it sounds as if it would be great if it works!! Jude
  9. I am in North Norfolk Beccy. I think the charges for vets vary such a lot depending on whether you see an avian specialist or not. If I had taken Elmo to our normal vet where I take the dogs and cats no doubt it would have been loads cheaper. I will be doing any future wing and nail clipping myself. Maybe I will wear a disguise so Elmo doesnt recognise me as the 'bad guy'! Jude
  10. That is a really great pic. I am looking forward to getting some good shots of Elmo. I am a keen photographer but so far have been too busy obsessing about all things parrot to put my creative head on and shoot for quality pics! Jude
  11. Thankyou :-) but I think I have sussed it now. Photos are on my profile if anyone wishes to take a peek :-) Jude
  12. Ok I seem to be having trouble putting a picture up :-(
  13. Here is a picture of him strutting his stuff in the garden!
  14. I am so impressed with Elmo! He is such a laid back little chap. He is only 11 weeks old and already he is stepping up and down beautifully, playing with his toys and allowing us to do pretty much as we wish with him. We have only had him a week and have been touching him with the aviator harness with no complaints from him so decided to put it on him today. He was so obliging! We went out in the garden and he enjoyed having a wander round and pecking at the grass. What a star:-) We took him for a well bird check at the vets the other too. Too be honest I was surprised at how little the vet actually checked. However she said he looked a lovely healthy bird with a great attitude and she gave us some advice on wing and claw clipping etc.. Dont know that is was really worth the £82.00 :-/ Anyway he is well and happy. That is all that matters.
  15. If anyone in my house did not respect my animals they would certainly be sent packing. It is disrespectful to you too as she is obviously not listening to your wishes. Show her the door!! Jude
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