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About Mehrosh

  • Birthday 01/26/1985

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you all, Your comments have given me better insight as how to move ahead with them. Good news is that the baby has accepted the fact that he shouldn't go anywhere near our older grey
  2. Hi, We just got a new baby grey that is 5 months old, i already have a 2 yr old grey who isn't easy, just started accepting me touching him after an year with me. I know the experts here can help me out in two problems i am facing: 1. The baby keeps trying to fly, though he is clipped, specially whenever he is perched on height which we r trying to avoid as much as possible as we are afraid that he might crash and hurt himself. Tried keeping him in the cage but then he will keep trying to come out and thats more scary as he is not very good at climbing in his cage, keeps bumping here and there. 2. The baby loves to climb up onto our older grey's cage, and perch near him., while h hates it and tries to attack, i tried keeping the baby's cage at another corner of the room but that didn't help. I dont want to keep them in separate rooms because i want them to bond overtime. Can anyone tell me how to go about it? Thanks in advance
  3. Hello again, Here i am with updates and new questions, hope you guys and your greys are doing great. Koku has begun eating fruits and vegetables, thanks to all the great tips you guys had shared. He whistles briefly in the morning and evening, no talking yet. He stays in our living room through out the day perched on top of his cage, at nights we close him in and shift him to the kitchen to sleep in the dark. He isn't stepping up on my hand or wooden perch anymore, i have followed the training steps mentioned in vain. My question is how can i get him to step up again? He has been with me for a month now, he was stepping up when I got him but not anymore. Also, he is still scared of me even when he stays with us in the living room all the time he is awake and one of us always keeps talking to him, how long can this go on?
  4. We live in the Middle East, we do have all the fresh stuff imported here and i did try to feed him some carrots today but he doesnt seems interested. I have read that they are reluctant to new taste so i think that it is. Will try to bring in the variety in his diet. The vet suggested vitamins which we have already started. His beak is flakey and am guessing thats due to the vitamin deficiency.
  5. Sunflower seeds from the bird shop and also apple at times. If its from my he will just pick and throw.
  6. I will start eating in front of him as you have mentioned, will see what happens. Will sure look into the training threads, thank you.
  7. Well there is a lot of mess around him, it happens that whenever I turn my back against him, he snips a bite. In the mornings there is a mess of seed leftover so yah I can say he does hide and eat. The shy little guy. Good thing that happened today is that he whistled while I was near him, seems its a sign of him getting comfy with me?
  8. Thank you for the warm welcome, its great in here and it seems that our journey with you guys is going to be easy and full of fun.
  9. Thanks....atleast I'm content that he is ok. True that curosity is taking the best of me, I understand that time and Patience is required here. We call him by the nickname koku coming from casco
  10. Hi, I just bought an African grey that is 16 months old 2 days back. It only growls when unhappy and makes no other sounds, it steps on my hand but when i feed him by hand he picks and throws the food instead of eating. My question is if his behaviour is normal? And why is he so quiet? Any tips to get this guy started will be highly appreciated too Thanks in advance
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