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About alex2014

  • Birthday 11/12/1955


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  1. Finally bought some Poop off from Amazon since i was already ordering some other stuff. I have tried a lot of other cleaners on my hardwood floors and must say this is the easiest and best product I have ever used on removing the poop on the floors.
  2. Anyone have any info/experience on these? are they harmful to the birds? Was thinking of putting one in my indoor aviary when I finish. I know they might tear it up and that's ok, Seems like they are always on craigslist for free.
  3. My artist started painting today, i'll post some pictures when it's done, hopefully in about a week as she can only work a few hours at a time.
  4. All I can say about the new vet is WOW, I was very impressed and could tell she knew how to handle birds. She checked them out and trimmed their nails and Rocco's beak. Since this was the first time she had seen them we discussed everything from their attitudes to diet to living conditions. She was impressed as to how healthy they were, guess that means I'm doing a pretty good job. She liked the fact that i give them fresh food everyday instead of just seed or pellets. She said she is so tired of seeing birds that people don't let out or interact with. She did make the suggestion that when I get the aviary finished that I let them out separately for a few days to get used to the new room, then when i can be home all day like a Saturday or Sunday then let them out together. When they are out of their cages now they don't really interact with each other, more like they respect each other territory. I'm so glad this new vet worked out.
  5. Found 50 rolls of adding machine paper rolls on craigslist for free this morning. Just 5 minutes away from me. My guys love it when I hang these in their cage to shred.
  6. I called today to make an appointment for Alex and Rocco yearly checkup. Was sorry to hear to vet I have been going to for the last 3 years does not have an avian vet any longer. Was lucky in the fact that they were able to recommend a new vet clinic and doctor who specializes in avian medicine. The best part is they are only 15 miles away from me. Made an appointment for Monday evening. I hope I like this new doctor as much as the old one. I would have traveled further to keep seeing the old one as I really liked him, but he moved out of state.
  7. Went to Lowes today and got all the paint and supplies. One step closer. Can't wait to see what she paints on the walls.
  8. I didn't know grey's were interested in politics Alexa heard: "what's the caucus" Voice feedback Search Bing for "what's the caucus" What's the caucus? United states presidential primary (the series of presidential primary elections and caucuses held in each U.S. state and territory is part of the nominating process of United States presidential elections.).
  9. My artist finally came today and looked over the room. She said she will do clouds on the ceiling and trees on the walls. I'll go get the paint and she hopes she can do the work in about 2 weeks. I told her to just be creative and she likes that idea. Can't wait for this next step to be completed.. Then all that's left is to remove the carpet and put down some linoleum and hang some perches and toys. I also have 2 java trees to put in the room. My son still needs to sell his tanning bed so I can get it out of the room, anyone interested? LOL
  10. I use the heated perch, my guys love it
  11. Only if i can bring Alex and Rocco too.
  12. Do my boys Alex and Rocco want to go outside? Every morning when I get up I ask Alexa what's the weather. Now Alex and Rocco have picked up on the words and ask Alexa whats the weather when I get up in the morning and come into the room to prepare their breakfast. maybe thy are just helping me out. Or telling me in their own way to hurry up and finish their bird room.
  13. Rocco perches on my shoulder all the time, i just can't wear glasses because they are to much temptation for him. But I would never let Alex on my shoulder because he likes to nip even when he is on my wrist or arm.
  14. Added the screen door today so i can open the main door during the day and close it at night to give them darkness to sleep and not be bothered by the lights and TV at night.
  15. Yes, there are 2 windows so a lot more natural light than they get now.
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